Not enough Black Lotus or Thorium with the removal of layers

it was discussed on these very forums a while back. ill be honest, i dont care enough to dig through the forums to prove it to you. you can research it yourself if that tickles your pickle.

And once layering is gone youre going to have vanilla population caps

… do you even know what you’re talking about? this isnt accurate in the slightest.

Yes i do know whar im talking about. Blizzard themselves said they expect severe queues when layering is pulled.

If you want to argue contrary to blizzard you are going to have to provide a legit source from them saying mega servers would happen.

There shouldn’t have been layers in the first place. the sooner they get rid of them the better.


You guys are assuming quite a lot when we are seeing proof right now of the layering changes limiting mat supply. And then there’s the casuals who didn’t raid in vanilla but will find groups in classic and will also be buying mats.
Removing layers will just make it worse as far as Im concerned, not that you can even make use of layers right now since they were reduced.

Blizzard has given repeated warnings about what to expect when layering is removed.
They said layering was temporary.
They said it would allow more people online in the short term and would go back to vanilla caps when removed.
They have offered free transfers and warned of severe queues when layering is removed.

Your failure to heed what they say is not my problem.

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This isn’t a complaint post about server sizes and queues, it is somewhere to talk about possible solutions to over population affecting mats and consumables. Also in vanilla people were farming these mats waaaaaay before anyone was raiding and alot of people farming them were casuals just trying to get an epic mount not planning on using those mats themselves, so another big change there.

And TBH there are so many people playing right now even if half the people from the over populated servers did take their free transfers they would still have queues and the new servers would have become over populated. Sure it will be even worse later.

There is no overpopulation. When layering is removed only vanilla pop caps will be allowed on at one time.
What you will see is a high pop server issue being completely authentic. Blizzard already said that you will have dynamic spawning at work. So that should help a little bit.

That isn’t how it works. Layering is world wide or atleast continent wide. Wheather you are in Elwynn or Easter plaguelands, you will be in the same layer as one another.

I already said this just a suggestion 3 times and that I know layering is server wide,(not continent wide) I should have used the word sharding I guess, but please read.

Well blizzard has said no to that. When layering is gone thats it.

The only thing I would change is the black lotus static spawns to random in the zones or make them a rare drop from high level herb plants.

As for Thorium, I’m not to worried about it cause I have my own ideas that make them easy to get.

They already said some limited dynamic spawning will take place

They said that dynamic respawning was in the vanilla code, it’s been using that this whole time.

Yep. Its just not the retail version of it.

I’ve been selling thorium for 12g a stack. It’s insanely high demand with insanely low supply.

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Yes thorium and arcane crystals are ridiculous atm.

why do you need blacklotus at 110?

Working as intended.

cause if I post on my classic account people get pissy at me for not posting on my retail for “proof” that ive cleared Stuff.
Cant please every idiot.

This position ignores the fact that farming players and mats are not evenly distributed throughout the population.

What that means in practical terms is, using your example, if there are 100 players farming mats in layer 1, they can hop through the other 5 layers and farm up all the mats before anyone else thereby increasing their yield 5x.

It’s not accurate to conclude that 100 farmers in layer 1 means that layers 2-6 also have 100 farmers and therefore it’s always 100:X in terms of farmers to resource…it’s somewhere between 100:X and 100:X*6.