Not disappointed one bit

You guys, not Blizzard, do not disappoint me one bit. Nope. Gotta say thank you though. As predicted, i was saying for weeks now, when Cata goes live, players will begin raging and crying on the forums. Just goes to show, Blizzards player base will eat this game and its Devs alive. Well, cata Classic was fun while it lasted. RIP! :skull:


People rage and cry on the forums no matter what. Its kind of their primary purpose.


I totally agree, but others seem to have a very different view then we do as theyve gone crawling on to the SOD page praising how full of rainbows and unicorns Cata has been. I dont know why people are hellbent on destroying every thing, when both SOD and cata and retail can coexist.

So far, Cata has been smooth for me. Only 1 quest I had to wait for respawns. :person_shrugging:

Hyjal was a bit crowded at my lunchtime run. I was expecting that…and was not disappointed lol.

I didn’t full wrathful so even got 1 or 2 upgrades over furious level gear. Gems slots were resilience stuff. Not needed for pve for 5 levels, so an easy call to make for me.

Not a bad lunch break all in all.

There is zero of that. Keep SoD cope on the SoD board. It’s dead becauae it’s terrible not because of Cata. These are two almost fully different player groups.

Stop opening your mouth the sounds you make are barley human.


I think yoire looking at the now and not the projected value of SOD. There were some great take aways from the SoD experience. The rune system was so sweet and love the class take on how to get the runes. Turning old dungeons into raids was great too. You might wonder if they’d do something like SOD on cata.

No. SoD was a mistake from the start. Advertising classic plus and giving a retail minus/backported wrath was a terrible idea and the pop shows.

Nu-blizzard can’t make games. They are a legacy content hoster and should stick to it and be happy retail still has the pop it does.


You should thank yourself too.

Overpowered garbage

:raised_hands: :100:

Evil cannot create, only corrupt lol

Aww what wrong now? What got your ego running like a cry baby this time?

Do you need your binky?

Are garbage and annoying. After realizing that they were going to do the meta rune thing again for something else, I was done then and there. As a demo lock main, who was excited to tank but only got to AFTER basically every other class (cause every other class had much easier to get runes), that immediately burned me.

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I am assuming you mean SOD and yes, the lock tanking rune was pretty stupid idea to lock behind all of the hoops needed while others got their handed to them.

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oh how cute. You thought you made an honest “prediction”?

On a forum where people regularly whine, moan and cry about all kinds of things? Wow, what a relevation. Have a cooky

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