Not another Season of Enhance Shaman Completely being Unchecked

Literally Ehnc Shaman doing insane damage again in PTR. Ugh! So tired of this.

Warlock and Mage are gonna match the insanity, so there will be balance in the universe. My Destro Lock can nuke anything in my path if I triple proc jackpot!

So something just dawned on me. I’m apparently a little slow. Every time I see balance posts, and I see a LOT of them, I always scratch my head. Not because balance isn’t important, or anything like that. But because there are so many things that are messed up right now that are exponentially more important. But it just occured to me that it’s almost always DPS players. DPS players don’t really care about anything else, because all the other problems aren’t really their problems lol.


yep, i really do care about output tho haha, but along with that - shamans have one of the most incredible kits and buffs and utility.

Enhance has one season of being on top while Aug has been meta since it’s been released. Mages and Priests also have a history of being at the top but you don’t want to nerf them? There’s still plenty of balancing/tuning that will occur between now and the release of 11.1.


Yeah, the Demonfire bolts from Destruction’s tier set are doing a lot of damage.
I hope you aren’t surprised when their damage gets cut in half, because that’s how Blizzard balances Warlocks.

Protection Paladins are also top dogs this season and it doesn’t really look like anything is really changing for them going into S2. Maybe VDH will displace them because their tier set is crazy, but Prot still has unmatched utility and control for the crazy amount of mechanics and casts they keep adding to trash in these dungeons.

It’s not about “in the past metas”. it’s about how absolutely overuned they were and are again in PTR, completely blowing everyone out by miles. I don’t mind them being on top but they are completely out of proportion than other DPS. There is about a near 50% gap in dps from ehnc shaman to the mid-tier dps.

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I will be surprised, mostly because druids of all classes can beat me in raid dps if they get just as lucky with proccs.

Destruction Warlock is currently stronger than Enhancement on the PTR. Again, there is plenty of time for tuning between now and 11.1 release.

Not just Enhance Shaman, but Prot Paladin as well!

Blizzard sure loves its lore classes this expansion, dont they?