Not another Raider IO thread

It’s discrimination!


That’s some serious tater logic there.


Ah yes, correlation. Correlation does not imply causation.

“I’ve yet to see a study that tells me getting run over by an 18 wheeler will negatively affect my personal health, so I refuse to believe it until I’ve seen the proper paperwork.”

Please don’t drag your Laymen’s version of science into this.

Didn’t you quit because you’re mad about imaginary LFR players having the same ilvl as mythic raiders? And you’re talking to me about tater logic? :expressionless:

Actually I quit because of these reasons.

And yeah. You’ve got some serious tater logic there.

how about you back up your assertion then instead of making blanket statements, ya’ nincompoop.

So the question is, if you made a m+ group are you just going to click the first tank, first heal and first 2 dps that apply for the positions?

Now remember if you say anything but yes you are discriminating.

Be it ilvl, class, specor RIO score.


No. And it’s not discriminatory because: Raider IO helps players decline people without any context. Maybe someone got a few bad runs because another player quit for example. But without Raider IO, there’s context, whispering, etc.

So then run your own key. Problem solved

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one is made up of genetic and environmental factors

the other is a score based on video game dungeons

Afaik RIO scores don’t go down. So context does not matter.

And again if you can discriminate based on what ever system you feel is just, so can anyone else.

EDIT: just to add. With out raider io you don’t get any context because there is no score which means you no longer have anything to go by but ilvl. So in this case we now go back to the discriminatory ilvl/gearscore debate.

1 Like lists all dungeons a person has done. There is no “lack of context”. Every bit of context is there. If someone has 90% timed runs and 10% missed ones… it is pretty easy to infer they got a bad a group. If someone has 90% failed runs… it’s also pretty easy to infer that they are the common denominator. You acting like has some flashing sign that just says “DON’T INVITE THIS PERSON!” is ridiculous. Every bit of data exists.

edit: Also as mentioned above… at worst, your score stays the same. It never goes down.

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More often than not, it does. That’s why investigating whatever is linked by the two is the obvious choice when deciding on the next step in research. Otherwise are you just gonna take a shot in the dark on your research’s next effort?

Did you create that confirmation bias thread last night? Hmmmm

I am beginning to wonder because I had not seen that specific terminology used until that thread. I had seen a lot of anti-io threads mind you, but never one that called it that.

I’ve never created any thread related to IO.

you don’t have to insult people.

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The constant arguing in that thread supports the theory if you look at history (ie responding to almost every single reply). Then you add in the idea that there was a lot of alt switching…

I wouldn’t be shocked.

I must say that I believe R IO can be used for discrimination purposes. I feel the tool can easily be abused. Ill call it “incomplete” data. Completion does not equal competence. A failed mythic+ doesn’t mean it was that specific players fault. Which is why I say the data that’s used is “incomplete”.

Players have always been measured to some extent. And they always will be. I think it would be more important to fine tune such a tool instead of it being such a general grade.

The main thing I dislike about R IO is… I feel it discriminates against new/return players and against players that decide they want to start pushing keys. But those players will be less experienced so I understand why people use R IO.

If a player does the research and watch videos, reads guides they could know more about Mythic+ than someone who simply has a high IO but won’t be able to test their knowledge because someone views R IO as competence.

Being declined from a group because of R IO is like not being accepted for a job because you previous employer went under.

Their are multiple reasons R IO can be viewed as both useful and a tool for discrimination.

Only thing I will say is there is a way around it. I personally had to get into a mythic+2 that I was clearly overgeared for just to get a key so I could make my own groups and push for higher keys. And as a result raise my IO