Not allot of people are voting

This game is a multi-million player base. i think we can do better than 95k votes.
i think we should pin it to the launcher. allot of players don’t really go to the forums.


Keep in mind that this is just the US forums. The other regions have their own forum and their own poll. Classic players also have no reason to come here and vote on a mount they won’t get.

All that being said, it’s also questionable how “multi-million” the player base really is at this point.


very valid.
also i never thought about it that way. each region with individual forums. i still think pinning on the bnet launcher would be best.


Can’t hurt, I suppose.

you know whats going to hurt?
honest talk here im so jelly. gimmie that stafffff xD


Some people could also just not care about mounts too much.

Unique ones are cool but at the end of the day they are a means to an end in travel.


Those Euro guys are going to give us the Snot Cat, aren’t they?

Last time I checked tree was winning there too.

You’ll pry Anathema out of my cold, lifeless hands :angry:

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maybe you could let people in trade chat know it’s a thing… to help spread the word?

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well… hear me outt…
casts mindcontrol
you could just give me the staff <3 as a gift ?

95k ain’t bad for getting people to participate on a relatively trivial mount decision (I mean in the whole course of things it’s not exactly bad).

Consider also that many people have dipped now so that they can actually play new content when Pre-patch or Shadowlands hits.

I haven’t voted, and I know many other people who haven’t, either. I have almost 500 mounts already, I don’t particularly care what the 501st will look like since I probably won’t use it anyway.

To be honest, I was speaking to someone tonight about how we don’t get why people are talking so much about this in the first place.


Please, I’m a veteran of the Blackrock Mountain Mind Control Wars.

You have no power here


Some people might not know about it, some people might not care, some might have already voted, who knows, I only care if we get stuck with another dumb cat mount because at this point getting another cat mount is as bad as getting another horse mount. :roll_eyes:


/CRY that trick never works >.<
10/10 are you hyped for new shadowpriest?

(puts on tinfoil hat)

Insane theory brought on by way too much sugar, caffeine and the tinfoil hat: They are actually going to give us the #2 or #3 mount in the poll and the #1 will be put in the store (or as part of some year long grind to help us stay subscribed).

(takes off tinfoil hat)

What did I just say?!?!?! Not my fault!



You know…
lining your hood with tinfoil actually makes you x 10 harder to mind control.
these sheeple dont even understand. walking around mcd.

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I was wondering about that. If it possible that they will vote for something different and if it will affect our polls.

Cautiously, yeah. I’ve played with it a bit on beta and liked what I’ve seen.

Nah they’d get crucified if they went back on giving us the free one. Real talk though, I fully expect them to still make the others and put them in the store or use them as more 6 month sub bait.


stop giving them ideas

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