Not ALL wish for Peace- Here's why you PVP lore wise in SL

Also as for the Alliance not knowing who Talanji is…

didn’t know it was that hard to vet the prisoners outside the 1 you actually want. Somewhere, there is a universe out there where the Alliance did this and got both the Zandalari and Kul Tirans to join the faction in BfA.

To be honest, we just assumed everyone was beating the crap out of the Vulpera and wanted to get in on it.

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I mean, I heard that the Elwynn fox went extinct and SW nobles needed a new source of material for their hats.

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It’s red versus red
And blue versus blue
It’s I against I
And me against you!

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PvP is the Devil.

I like the current AV meta.

Means neither faction have to be stuck there too long.

Sledgehammer disliked that.

I mean, it just goes to show…

Dwarves are ezpz to tear through. claps


I am now convinced of this.
(easiest way to link an image, ironically)