Not all Sylvanas fans are simps

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Final Battle At The Foot Of Jailor’s Kirkland Brand Not Icecrown Citadel

Tyrande and Slyvanas walk out and flourish their weapons for the camera



John William’s Duel of the Fates plays


This made me laugh way more than it should have.


Sylvanas is the exception. You don’t like the word simp, now you’ve cried about it. I wouldn’t apply the word simp to Genn or his fans. I wouldn’t apply the word to Garrosh loyalists or his fans.

But, Sylvanas has a simp boyfriend in game, which is…a self-insert for a dude named Steve in real life. They’re both simps. Add in the mix the people she led in game not really having anything to them besides blind devotion, due to her queen status? Then this pathetic, blubbering you’re rushing to make about someone spitting on the impact of this dumb character, and it makes you much more inclined to be called simp.
Which you are,
Sylvanas’ simp.


Genn simps 4 lyf.


I hear ya. They hate him cause they ain’t him.


Am I the only one who simps for Voss? Ya’ll clearly have never been with a Baptist preacher’s daughter turned atheist and it shows.


Lowkey a little. I think Voss could be truly built into a phenomenal leader of the Forsaken. She has the conceptual foundation for it, its just never been built upon. She is a true embodiment of the notion of Forsaken Free Will, and despite not being one of them for so long … understands the Forsaken experience better than most. Plus, you can always chalk up her early actions as being a result of her having a truly terrible, terrible teens lol!

Long story short. I think you could take a fun character with her and turn her into a great character with the right TLC. And working in the mystery of her death into helping her grow into her current seat could be fairly interesting tbh. Just wished it happened before she got it though.

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Thing is I have 3 undead at 60, 3 at 50 and like 4 at lower levels meant to play more common NPCs in RP. One of these was leveled post the pre SL change.

So I did all of the Cata content knowing her story. And just feeling awful about it. She’s a scared young woman who was clearly murdered by people she trusted (every other newly risen in Deathknell is aware of how they died- she isn’t even aware she died, somebody close killed her in a way where she couldn’t defend herself because she didn’t know it was happening).

She returns to the people she trusted begging for help and they try to kill her. She uno reverse cards that and kills all of the Scarlet Crusade. Then goes after the Cult of the Damned.

And as I didn’t play WoD, or a Rogue in Legion- I just thought she died. In the most violating and painful way an undead can die.

I legitimately believed someone had a harsh break up with somebody named Voss or Lilian and just wanted to hurt them in game. It was such an agonizing and spiteful way to treat a character who’d done nobody who didn’t deserve it wrong.

I was really glad to see her alive. And I like that she’s dealing with her trauma in a productive way by helping people avoid her own missteps.

And people were calling her evil because she did seem to drug Stone into compliance. But while standing next to Nathanos. Who would’ve killed Stone in a blink of the eye then gone off to murder and raise 10 other Kul Tiran officers if his demands weren’t met.


What does your sexuality have anything do with liking Sylvanas? I’m not straight either, it does not mean I am obligated to like Sylvanas.

Or you know you should like people for being people regardless of gender.


It’s not that part, it’s the simp part. It’s an acronym dealing with a certain part of female anatomy and the insult is basically the evolution of white knight and cuck in the “you were nice to a woman? She’s not gonna sleep with you omegalulcringe” vein of insults. Thus the “how can I be a simp if I’m gay” comment.


Frankly, she wasn’t doing much during WoD and Legion. Though it was curious that Blizz saw fit to keep her around back then. Especially Legion, where I can’t think of any other Order Hall companions that were Faction Exclusive. Voss for the Horde, Tess for the Alliance (funny how that worked out).

Voss remains this weird character. Having her trauma and revenge arc early on, then shelved for years. Finally thrust into a position she could have probably been slowly built with the right amount of slow attention; but didn’t get it. On top of this, despite her thematically working far better than Calia … she’s being treated as a “Steward of Gondor” for the “True Queen’s Return”. And I’m not of the mind that Calia can’t be developed to work as “A” leader of her people (not the only one, but ONE of them that represents part of their identity) … but placeholder Voss while Menethil gets all the attention is sigh…

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exactly the guy that tried to insult me was trying to call me in this context thats why i cant agree, bc im not atracted to women

Yes you are.
Voss? More like Floss.

Amirite guys?

I am under the impression simp comes from the word simpleton and has nothing to do with any anatomical part.


It got latched onto by… a certain group and they did as they always do and make everything they touch worse.

dictionary. com has an interesting read about the changes the word has gone through over the years if you’re interested. I’d link it but I’m not sure if how chill the mods are about this kind of topic.

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Even assuming that is the case(and there are plenty who do not use it in that manner), Gharion, the person the OP is responding to, seems to be using it for its conventional meaning of overly adoring someone.

Idk I like making up my own swears for the forums now. Duck motherer was an obvious stand in for the ‘romancer of matriarch’ bad word.

But honestly I kind of want to call someone that IRL. Just to see how they react.


No, not all Sylvanas fans are simps. It’s disingenuous to call them all that, the same way that it’s disingenuous to say anyone who criticizes her hates women.

… you, however, fit the bill for a “simp.” The evidence is this thread, your honor.


Idk about you guys but I’d literally die for this fictional character, so fight me.