Not Again: Reliving the Loss of Ranged SV in Legion

They should have introduced a Ranger class in Legion when they removed ranged Survival (SV).

Back then, they said, “You can find a home in Marksmanship (MM).” It took years—and a very long break—but I finally did find a home in MM.

Now, they’re doing it again.

I feel defeated and heartbroken.

After finally returning to the game, I’ve been cautious about offering criticisms. Nothing compared to the debacle of Legion, and I never imagined they’d repeat it. I was wrong.

So, sure, go ahead and celebrate getting your “dream” class. Just remember, in the coming months, there will be many heartbroken players.

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I’m not sure being “heart broken” by something you knew was coming, for, like, a LONG time is anyone’s fault but your own…

You mean… like since today?

Lone wolf has been THE way to play MM for years since the same legion pre-patch you’re talking about.

Blizzard removing the mechanical clunkyness that ± every single hunter playing MM for the last 7+ years was complaining about is actually good.