Not an assumption, you can google it and figure out for yourself.
Dude I’m not saying anyone manipulated the poll. I’m saying it’s useless because there is no math involved to help account for everyone who plays the game and isn’t involved in the poll.
There is zero background taken from the people who voted on the poll. Therefore, it’s incredibly difficult to make any assumptions from the poll.
If you understood everyone’s background in the poll, you could make some assumptions, but since you know nothing about the voters, you can’t make any assumptions using math and statistics.
Maybe 99% of the people voting were paladins from these forums. That’s not a good spread of data. You see? You need a diverse group to be in a poll. Then you need their background. Then you can say, based on the amount of players in wow, we can extrapolate this data and make reasonable assumptions about what people as a whole want.
How hard is that to understand?
It’s useless data as it stands. It’s the same as me saying since everyone on my street likes pepperoni pizza, then everyone on the next street does. And while that may be true, you cannot just assume that. And you can’t use your data to assume it with zero math involved.
it is a pretty good case study if you want to look into cults. thats what twitch is basically … legal cults
Every post by every one no matter what side they’re on on the dual spec question is regurgitated opinion. Every argument was made on the first few hundred posts in the dual spec thread that had over 1thousand replies. If you want to stop regurgitated opinion you should take your own advice and stop posting.
The only reason I’m still posting is to keep the dual spec topics on the front page so it’s more likely to get the attention of the devs. There hasn’t been a new argument in weeks from either side and I doubt there will be
I am not ripping people making posts or regurgitating opinions. I am ripping the op for posting math will be provided and then proceeding to not provide math and telling everyone asking for promised math to google it.
That’s a trash post and the op should delete it because it has done absolutely nothing for this discussion beyond proving the op is either lazy or incompetent. Likely both.
Yes but you could actually use math and statistics with a poll and have a reasonable idea as to how many players who play the game want dual spec versus don’t want it.
That didn’t happen with this poll.
There’s no math. It’s a yes or no.
“Math inside”? Where exactly? You’ve provided no stats or surveys what so ever to support you. Even if people are leaving; it’s a stretch to assume that they left because there’s no dual spec. Did you ask them? Did Blizzard share feedback boxes with you? You can’t just make these thing up.
Btw, 10,000g and you can have dual spec.
Insert statement from incompetent op telling you to google it here.
You were broke as a paladin… one of the best aoe farming classed in the game.
Use some gold to go change specs now and then.
Use your healer status to do heroics and get the gear you need for aoe farming.
You being broke is a personal choice of not wanting to farm.
Ok now I’m confused because this user posted the topic about adding Death Knights to TBC as sort of a mirror to dual spec topics, but now after posting this, it means they were actually serious about wanting to add DKs to TBCC.
Just pay the 50 gold. It’s not hard.
There was an even larger poll on the unarmored mounts. And yet they ignored it. This was an item that was actually in the original game being requested. People have been complaining about the game since day one, it’s nothing new, certainly not worth noting, and a lame argument as well.
They could farm just fine in prot, especially if they make some friends and group up.
But it seems like they don’t like a real RPG and prefer a solo game.
I’ve told them this multiple times, they don’t want to listen though.
If I can’t switch specs multiple times a day depending on what challenge is in front of my character, and instead if I have to ask a guild member for help or that other guy doing the same thing in the same location as me, if I have to ask him to group up? No.
Just no. I need dual spec. I need to be able to solo. This is an MMORPG. Come on.
What if I want to pvp??? If I’m not in the min max optimal pvp spec then the games not worth playing. I need every possible advantage before I even consider playing pvp. Why would I pvp unless I knew from the internet that my spec and gear makes me optimal? No thanks. I can’t play this game unless I have every single thing I want because I want it.
I think skyrim would be a better game for you if you don’t want to group for anything…
I’m with you my friend.
I was mocking retail players.
I body about ten retail players every day I post. We’re fighting the good fight.
lol i love the leaps you make, and math inside? including arbitrary percentages that “strengthen” your flawed arguments do not constitute math. Also, just because I am for something, does not mean the lack of that thing is diminishing my experience. If i like ranch, but I have no ranch, I will still enjoy my pizza - my experience if i had ranch would be different, not necessarily better
Over 99% of this is nonsense and made up.
Is this what you call (Math inside)? I had no idea you had a doctorate in clownology with a minor in games journalism.
With how entitled some of them are it’s hard to tell when I see posts like that, lol.
I mean, we just had a druid complaining about being able to perform 4 different roles in one of the dual spec threads. It’s sad really. …