Not able to link mounts in chat?

Okay so update for you all because I found this EU post about the same issue and they’re linking the cause to be unwrapping the 6 month gift mount on that character and that’s how that character became affected.

So I tested this out because my main character specifically hasn’t been able to link mounts for quite a few months now. I went to the trading post this month on a character that COULD link mounts just fine and collected the monthly reward which is a mount that needs to be unwrapped and what do you know, the character I did that on is also now unable to link mounts the same way my main character is. I’m adding this info here to keep this thread alive since the one I’m linking didn’t get traction and to add a confirmed cause of the problem.

I’m having this too…not sure how long i’ve been having it, as I just went to link a mo unt today…