Not a single positive topic in BG tab?

he’s decently good, the problem is most people don’t consider a game balanced unless they are winning, all the time.(you see the problem here)

but these are also the same kind of people who if we were playing chess instead, would QQ to no end that white starts before black (chess must be racist) and therefor chess is imbalanced.

What has he done that is decently good? Seeing the changes and the explanations he made behind said changes makes me believe has has no idea what he is doing.

do you at least recognize that you don’t have access to the same information in his position at the time he made his decisions?

we can all armchair quarterback on monday better than the pros do for real on sunday.

That’s fine and all but when you are associated with the decline of three separate games, it brings to question the guys ability as lead designer.

Also is alarming when the lead designer doesn’t understand how the game functions or the issues with balance.

is that a real association though?

iirc GC was there for wrath and mop, two of the most highly regarded expacs in wow’s history.

the decline in games has nothing to do with changes made in expacs but larger social forces that exist outside of the games themselves (people get older, have families, hobbies, etc) do understand that gamers arent an endless pool of people, generations come in waves and millennials are the largest living generation currently and they were in their prime game age during most game’s heydays. games have declined in general because that crowd is playing less hardcore games, and less pc games in general.

someone working a main job and another 20 hour side job just to feed their kids does not have time to play a complex online game that takes any time whatsoever to get into.

as far as the positivity of threads goes:

the curse of man is desire, he is never satisfied no matter if his every wish is granted and every want attended to, he will never be happy and will simply desire more or something else entirely, but he will never stop wanting.

He was a lead designer for ensemble studios which shut down. Employees blamed the devs which GC was a lead designer for sucking up money and taking too long to produce the games.

In league when he became lead designer the game steadily dropped in popularity as the design strayed further into a burst epidemic. It became apparent to many league players he didn’t know what he was doing. His responses failed to address glaring issues or pushed the game into another direction that would make things worse.

I think people do have nice things to say when there are positive things to talk about. Don’t get me wrong, you’re absolutely right in that the majority of people will make the effort to come to the forums only when they want to complain about something, but there are also usually a certain amount of positive threads mixed in. BfA may well have those, I think the OP is just calling out that there are currently none right now and that does reflect BfA PvP.

To an extent, I agree with them. I don’t like BfA in general, but I do have extremely positive things to say about the PvE side of the game, and do so. Other things really suck, but in some aspects they are absolutely killing it. For me, at least, PvP has literally nothing positive to say for it.

This is part of the problem. What you describe isn’t a positive thing, even when it happens for you! I’ve had a few games where my IS procs and crushes people, and the general comment is usually, “Well that’s dumb.” Most people don’t like massive RNG damage procs that decide the game, even when you have them. Most people don’t like insane class imbalances that mean you come up against comps where you have absolutely no chance. Most people don’t like a massive gear discrepancy in PvP that can only be overcome by doing PvE. Even when the above things favour you, most people can recognize that it’s not actually a good thing for the state of the game.

BfA just hasn’t been a good expansion for PvP, and the folks who do it a lot are right to be worried about the almost complete radio silence regarding it for Shadowlands. I think it’s too early to declare doom and gloom for Shadowlands, they’re still working on class game play mechanics. They’ve mentioned that PvP will be a currency system, which means PvP is on their radar, but that in and of itself isn’t going to make PvP fun again. I’d imagine folks need a bit more, and there’s time for that to come, but it doesn’t mean folks aren’t feeling just a little bit of trepidation.

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and the devs probably blamed the managers, who in turn blamed the lowest person the totem pole.

what im saying though is drop in popularity has nothing to do with that, but the fact that the core playerbase is just moving on with life.

this is apparent in wow now, but think about it the devs have jobs to do that covers more than one thing, and they need to make changes for everyone not just an individual.

i have 11,503 hours of play on this toon alone, at that level i am going to know a lot more about it than the dev who just goes in and turns a tuning wrench every once in a while based on meta data and player complaints. its sort of ridiculous to expect a coder to have that level of expertise with just a single part of a game the size of wow.

League is purely pvp based he as the lead designer is concerned with the quality creativity and delivery of the game.

There has been a multitude of problems since his arrival. The newer clients disconnects players randomly, the balancing changes often leave one lane completely lacking, and the ranking system he backed was a massive failure.

I get your point that we shouldn’t blame the designer for everything. But he’s been lead designer for three different companies and each time they saw a decline. In league his horrible ideas caused the pro players to boycott league of legends rank system and make their own competitive environment.

Get into some rated Bgs. Had 2 draws out of 6 matches last night. Absolute blast. One was eots too. That’s a hard one to tie.

To be completely honest with you, every time I’ve tried I’ve been pushed out because I’m not the meta class/spec, and because people just rage the second anything becomes difficult. This is on the PuG end. Anything further than that is just something that I can’t commit to, as I have other commitments. I’m not opposed to giving RBGs another try, but it’s not the most accessible space and most folks, including myself, don’t know how to begin.

I’m not trying to tell you that PvP isn’t fun for you. I’m just stating that it’s not fun for me.

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Yea took me a few times to meet the right people. Joining communities and such. Could be different for alliance side. Horde have a few different communities though.

Yeah I don’t really bother with RBGs either, seems pretty dead.

Plus I don’t feel like respeccing/reforging just to do a couple bgs.

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It’s generally why I got into world pvp to start with before I just started like it for what it was. There’s just too much whining regardless of whom it may come from and just constant douchebaggery which takes a bit of fun out of games when it’s a constant factor. It’s just my own opinion of course, but I just can’t stand the constant circlejerks.

Not at all do they think about it, they are literally a raid team and that’s it they neglect the other parts of wow
BFA has no pvp , no professions , and is all dailies / quest / the raid . all the questlines lead to the raid at some point , not to a pvp island like say isle of quell danas in BC .