Not a frogger, but can't do 40k quests

I didn’t farm frogs (or anything for that matter) and my cloak wasn’t rolled back as the stats weren’t high enough, but I still don’t have access to the Infinite Growth quests. Kinda trash when I know some of my guild farmed frogs the last 30ish minutes before the frog nerf and they were able to complete the quests and get their 40k.


This is going to sound like a dumb question, but did you make sure to visit the bazaar specifically in the Jade Forest? Because I kept going to the one in the main town and wondering when the fix was going to be implemented, until I read that it is specifically the one in Jade Forest.

they flag anyone as a farmer

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I’ve visited ALL of the bazaars and it’s not any any of them. I started with the Jade Forest and checked the rest after.

The quest marker is over the Momentus NPC at one of the timeless bazaars. He is the gear upgrader dragonkin looking NPC.
It looks like a purple upside-down triangle icon over his head.
If you leveled to 70 and did the achievements (not sure which ones exactly) you can talk to him 3 times for the three bronze rewards.
I spoke to him in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms bazaar.
That was a couple hours ago but it worked.

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Yes I know, I’ve been able to get it on my alt. I’ve flown around to all the Bazaars again and talked with Momentus at each but I only get the item upgrade.

youre a farmer sweetie boo
they flagged you too for touching one hahaha

cant wait for next weeks nerf where they remove all the rewards (including the ones we get today)
whats next in this @$#show

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Nah, you farmed.

Yes because Blizz devs never do anything inaccurately or incompetently, right?

OWAIT this whole issue is to “fix” an enormous blunder of theirs. And even their fix is incompetent.


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I can get the quest despite spending most of 2 days killing dragonhawks in Dalaran.

You only get rewards if you’re not actively playing the game killing things. So go out in real life for a week and come back when they give out another 100k bronze for not doing anything.

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No kidding this is what Im going to do
if im false flagged as a frog farmer who knows what theyll do next? might get nerfed some more for no good reason. so why play?

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Dragonhawks didn’t meet the java query they used to pull the info from the .dat files. XD

Yeah, better off waiting and seeing what other “fixes” they do, because I am sure there will be more broken ones to come.

They really need to look into their QA Team, if they even have one… or listen to them if they are giving them this feedback. Or hire more, because first their team messed up releasing the mode properly… and then they blame the players for their mistake. Then, they mess up with the fix for that mistake for a lot of people. I was super excited for this mode too, but I’ll just wait for them to increase bronze drops and decrease costs so I don’t waste hours now and just do it at the end.

Same happened to me, opened ticket where they said:

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.
Please proceed and report it to the develover team using one of these two options: