Not a fan of Alexstrasza's new design

I get it, I am probably a minority here and I am not trying to be a big wah wah baby about this, but despite the texture and graphic upgrade, her new design still feels so bland to me compared to her old one. The colors seem really solid and simple, she had different shades of light red and purple around her eyes on her old design, she is missing some of her iconic jewelry and her face design now just looks like a grumpy baseline dragon. I feel like with so many graphic upgrades in this game, although we get better looking models from a texture standpoint, they seem to lose some of their character. It also irks me that NONE of the new dragon designs have scales on their chests xD it is so off putting to me to see them with T-Rex esque bird skin rather than reptile scales. Maybe it’s just because I got used to it though, Although I do love the chest fin some of the models did have okay looking scales along with it.

I am noticing a trend of “smoothness” in new models. I am not a fan of all the new proto drake models that have come out thus far. Their mouths look even goofier than before only having a few pointy teeth towards the front of the mouth, their skin is absurdly smooth with a distinct lack of scales. What was awesome about the old design is they LOOKED like a primitive dragon, they were savage and rough looking. I love the derpy flying rex bois xD

I would love to see more direct model upgrades where it is enhanced rather than changed. A good example is the Stormpike Battle Charger and Frostwolf. Direct upgrades, we get the nice new textures and whatnot but the design doesn’t feel off.


Cool. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I’m sure they will change everything just for you. Goodbye.


There is a certain ruggedness to Wotlk - WoD models had that the new designs lack, perhaps worst of all is some of the legion architecture in…legion…looked like it was made of clay or playdough, although it was only like that on certain assets, not all of them.

But as for Dragon Lady, I agree she looks bad, not nearly hairy enough 0 facial hair? No back hair? I mean what’s going on here?

Blizzard, this is what the players want:


Peak rat form

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That’s a good question. What do you think is going on here?

I question the judgement of someone who would call the updated model “bad”… She’s missing that dangly chin gem. Otherwise it’s just a straight upgrade.


Yeah personally I miss the cleavage.

Yea, she’s not nearly hairy enough in her mortal form. I’m demanding atleast 49% hair coverage.

They made her mortal form look like she is an old angry woman who has had too much plastic surgery. It is terrible. :frowning:


I found a fan edit that fixed Alexstrasza, Blizz should hire this person!



If it makes you feel better, I’ve never liked the Proto Drake designs. I much prefer the four legs and set of wings dragon look and hope that the different Dragon flights allow a choice of dragon style to choose from instead of Red only allowing 4 legs/wings style and Blue only allowing Proto style.

dangly chin gem or riot.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

To me, that “upgrade” looks bad compared to the old one. Her scales aren’t defined anymore, her eyes don’t glow, her wings aren’t shimmery and transparent anymore, there’s too many sharp edges and for some reason, she’s now got sharp gills on her chest.


Buddy og Alex is literally a Sylvanas tint + fluffy belf hair.

It’s almost like this is a stylized game that isn’t attempting photorealism. People who pine for the older graphics would make me laugh if they didn’t have their agenda so into Classic that even if there’s a Cata Classic it’ll probably have the fugly old worgen model. The very one I spent 10 years ignoring then, voila, fresh makeover and now they’re my favorite.

That old model makes me not want to worgen, just saying. If I had this model in Hours of Twilight queues that would be bomb though.

She’s a demigod. She can look like anything she wants to be.

if we’re talking her new humanoid form, we have yet to see it in game so I’ll hold my judgement but I don’t think she looks bad at all, quite majestic if I may say . . . if we’re talking about her new dragon form I still don’t see the issue . . . fel I prefer it and all the newer dragon models over the older ones. Also I think they need to go even FURTHER with the dinosaur like qualities, go full dragon age inquisition and build a dragon around a t-rex or giganotosaurus skull I say!

I think she looks beautiful! I also really adore the dream weaver mount from prepurchase. It looks great. The old models will always have their charm for sure tho.

Thanks for letting us know!

Personally I prefer her thicc form from HotS but that’s just me.

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