Not-a-Death-Knight-btw rp question

Would it be generally frowned upon to rp a worgen frost dk as a battlemage? I figured it would be much easier to accept due to worgen already having the option of glowy blue eyes. I’m new to rp and don’t wanna rub people the wrong way.

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I would not think its frowned upon.
However, I’ve tried RPing a DH as a Spellsword (and not an Illidari/DH), and he would still frequently get called an Illidari/DH. I’d have my TRP3 (RP addon) display him as a Spellsword, and he’d still get called a DH regularly.
So, if you go the “my character is a battlemage, not a DK” route, don’t be surprised when some can’t be bothered to read your RP addon.

Or, do you mean that your worgen was raised like other DKs, but prefers to fight with ice magic as a battlemage?
I still don’t see a problem. Keeping the corpse cold can help preserve it.

If youre worried about the eyes glowing, I believe that’s because of the class you chose? I haven’t done much of anything with DKs, but I do know all the other classes have “regular” eyes.
And, last thing to note, if you go the “Death Knight that fights like an ice battlemage” route, the form that your character died in is the form they will have in undeath. Essentially, the curse leaves the body when they die, so if they were in their worgen form when they died, they will have only the worgen form when they’re raised. No switching. But, I can’t tell you how to play your character, so if you can manage a decent reason why an undead worgen can change forms, you go right ahead.

A living worgen, never died, should have specified a little more lol. I just think a battlemage is cool.
I like playing dk’s but really don’t like the whole “must kill all the time and everyone is revolted by me” thing dk’s got going on.
Also blizz wont let worgen be shamans or pallys so other spellsword-ish ideas are out of the question.

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You know what the coolest kind of OG spellsword was? A death knight.

(I use the term spellsword loosely)

Honestly, just read the dk lore, you’ll get sucked in pretty easily. Between plenty of different “brands” of death knights in wow, drawing inspiration from dnd dk ideas and, of course, the fact that death knights are based off of the ring wraiths from LoTR, there’s plenty of variety to sink your teeth into.

Sounds like you should be a … Mage. They get to carry swords after all. And their magic is almost entirely battle magic.