Nostalgic feeling returning to my home faction

I was born of the Horde. But during BfA, due to the really hard war crimes committed by the Horde I legit said screw this and switched to Alliance (and a smaller but very influential part was I liked Alliance races more).

During that time I remember saying there’s no way I’m gonna follow people psychotic enough to excuse the majority of the behavior of the Horde under the rule of Sylvanas as morally grey. So I turned traitor and joined the Alliance.

In picked scenarios, the Alliance also had committed war crimes but not to the level that the Horde did during BfA.

Now coming back for the remix, having made a blood elf paladin just reminded me of when I began playing the game in TBC with friends. We loved the blood elves and the lore at the time, which was cool.

I still haven’t decided if I want to remain in the Horde. I have a profound dislike for Alliance players gameplay wise, Horde in that department have been vastly different in organization, structure, and beliefs. As I do like the Alliance as a faction and a lot of the lore behind the Alliance. Not to mention how Boss humans look in armor. Kind of a sticky situation.

… what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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As hard as it is to believe I have played long enough to examine this. There’s something wrong with a lot of Alliance players. Sure that goes for the Horde, but more so for Alliance. Listening to both sides on discord one faction definitely has a lot more drama and a large part of it is due to the higher amount of (I can’t find a better word for it) babying that happens inside organized groups.

I’ve been here since 2005. I play both factions. I’ve run guilds and been in guilds on both factions on five different servers.

I can safely say this is extremely nonsensical— and ironically dramatic for one who claims Horde isn’t. No one cares that much about factions or storylines to have it affect their gameplay. Not even roleplayers. Their drama is completely separate.


Well you can consider me evidence to the contrary.

Like I said I’ve played long enough on both sides to know. PvP wise Alliance is boss, but the Horde has a lot less drama in raids and other PvE content.

As have I. And this isn’t the norm. At all. Your stereotyping is wrong.

It still confused me how Sylvanas was able to recruit Garona, Rexxar, Eitrigg, and Voss. I recall them criticizing our conflicts and to be left alone. :robot::thought_balloon:


Both factions have good stuff

Like the horde has Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, and Forsaken

Alliance have Dwarves, Gnomes, and Humans

Everyone has cool stuff

/eye roll

/10 char