Nostalgia is dangerous

This has to be a joke at this point. You’re pulling the “Won’t you think of the children” card again.

Welp, i’m out of here since my Ps2 game is done burning.

Oh yea, here’s a neat little solution to your problem here. :point_down:

Ciao. :wave:

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All I know is gamers need to move on from the past and stop treading water in an ocean filled with nostalgia it’s hurting everyone in gaming and it is even going to unhurt unborn children who may very well play games in the future.

I dunno, that new ratchet and clank is pretty epic.

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I would consider that a new game. And I’m sure that is a great game.

would you rather have your children listen to new music or older music that you listened to and enjoyed ? I listened to what I wanted to, but when I was a kid my parents were always telling me how music was better when they were kids. In some ways they were right.

I’d rather have my hypothetical kids listen to Eminem than Kanye, tbh.

Ummm… it wouldn’t be the child playing a game for nostalgia then because it more than likely will be the child experiencing it for the first time.

Also… ugh… what a bad troll.

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Why would anyone have nostalgia for a search engine?

according to the OP… yes. Now suffer. NOSTALGIA IS A SIN! REPENT!


Well all I can say is before pirating music became a thing music was way more influential and attractive to people. This is because the reward was greater.

Now I don’t want to take away from today’s musicians I’m sure they are great.

Same thing happened to movies everyone started pirating them and now we have the opportunity to subscribe to 400 different streaming services. Oh and now everything is a series.

So… back when the Beta VCR existed…

Oh no this was very recent. I mean if you want I can pretend your actually being serious.

Pirating movies started when the first publicly available means of making a duplicate of the original existed.
It was during the time of the Beta MAX VCR that they started inserting copy protection in order to stop pirating of movies.

Or is this where you pretend to know what you are talking about… but actually don’t. As usual.

Yes but it wasn’t until recently as in the last 6 or 7 years a 5 year old child could easily pirate any movie. Just now we are feeling the industry response to it. Disney plus, Amazon prime movies, Netflix originals on a mass scale. A new technology is coming that can charge you per person in the room for movies you rent.

A 5 year old in the 80s could pirate a movie. You really don’t know what you are talking about do you?

Do you honestly think that streaming services were put into place to stop movie piracy?
Or even combat piracy in any way?



I mean bro if you already know everything why the flip you here? That’s right you don’t know much you just got opinions like everyone else.


I have first hand knowledge of the movie industry especially theater ownership.

I bought a rare Les Paul in 1993. It was made in 1985. Double cut out with hammer head. Very unpopular. The guy that sold it to me for $150 said everyone hates this model. I just looked it up and it is worth $1,600 basically. Comical.

Someone is upset that I’m pointing out the lies and untruths in his statements. Boo Hoo.

Show me where I have stated opinion. I’ve only pointed at facts that you are being willfully dismissive of. Cry more.

You seem very upset about the fact that people are challenging your nonsense for what it is… nonsense. Movie piracy has existed since the first device that allowed you to record a movie became publicly available. This was long before streaming services were even a dream. You are arguing about something you don’t actually have any knowledge of the history of.

So go throw your forum temper tantrum some more.

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My favorite is when people say that a Gibson and a Fender sound alike…

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remember yahoo, excite, altavista and lycos? ahh, the good ol’ days… feeling nostalgic already.