Nostalgia is a seductive liar.

But here we go again.
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i have one somewhere of us queuing 5s pre-tbc launch, iirc
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hey fellas
Thought you went Alliance...?
what are you talking about?
10/08/2018 07:49 PMPosted by Zajiwa

But here we go again.

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10/08/2018 07:49 PMPosted by Zajiwa

But here we go again.

Hey Zaji, how ya been? I remember raiding IF and camping out in houses with you on my troll hunter in TBC.
Hey Zajiwa how are you? That is a cool picture.
Is it bad my earliest wow memory was fallin off teldrassil and then swearing off alliance cause of a stupid quest on a tree limb

And my early ed memories
My earliest memory was being chased up a tree by a boar, asking for help in general chat and being rescued by Roskau.

We were both level 5, the highest level characters on emerald dream at the time.
10/12/2018 09:58 PMPosted by Zajiwa
My earliest memory was being chased up a tree by a boar, asking for help in general chat and being rescued by Roskau.

We were both level 5, the highest level characters on emerald dream at the time.
My earliest horde memory was asking trade in silvermoon how to save my game progress before i got off...went alliance till i came to ED haha
10/12/2018 10:01 PMPosted by Aglaica
My earliest horde memory was asking trade in silvermoon how to save my game progress before i got off...went alliance till i came to ED haha

I am interested in how many of the old school ED players will be playing classic, and if there is way to make sure a lot of us end up on the same server if possible. Sadly a lot of people have moved off ED recently so it's harder and harder to keep in touch without searching out realid names.

Also ya, this picture brings back memories of BC fights for me. Actually my favorite memory still is in a BC Warsong Gulch (I was on Alliance on my hunter) and Zajiwa, Tish and others were on the other side things. Zajiwa RP walked the flagged across the field in a 3 - 0 win for the Horde. Also, Zajiwa in Ironforge with his friends usually a group of 10 holding down a building for hours while the Alliance couldn't get rid of them...
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10/08/2018 10:23 PMPosted by Heltor
hey fellas

10/09/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Chakrates
Thought you went Alliance...?

10/09/2018 03:56 PMPosted by Heltor
what are you talking about?

I moved my Undead Rogue Alliance and am already regretting it. Only reason I did it is because the few remaining friends I have that still play (old school friends anyway) all still play Alliance. I have actually been leveling an undead rogue on the already 111 lol.
I heard the title of this thread in the voice of the Narrator from Darkest Dungeon.
Hellllooooo nurse.

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damn it sianl

Gonna get in on this nostalgia thread
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we're playing dnd tonight majah where are you
10/14/2018 08:57 PMPosted by Zajiwa
we're playing dnd tonight majah where are you

We're level 6 and are raiding Strahd's catacombs - Bad decisions were made. By me.