Nostalgia and the future

Okay. For the sake of mutual understanding, let me repost an argument I wrote in a different thread which details why I personally believe Sylvanas’s character arc has been inconsistent. On top of that, I’ll explain why I believe her arc has been so reviled on so many levels, even by groups who are totally opposed to each other. I’m not mad about Sylvanas’s treatment purely because I’m a Sylvanas fan. I’m mad because I’m also a Horde fan, and a night elf fan, and the Horde have lost two iconic characters in one fell swoop to a needless repeat of MoP, and the night elves have lost a zone and have become an endangered species all through the course of a friggin’ pre-patch for reasons flimsier than my grandma’s homemade wallpaper.

I will most certainly be mad at Blizzard for picking a path I don’t like if they’ve picked a path that absolutely no one but maybe 2% of the fanbase likes. If they’re writing the story to pump players up and get us to buy more games, this ain’t the way to do it.

As I explained above, my complaint isn’t that Sylvanas is evil, it’s the motives and methods behind her evil. It’s evil which Blizzard refuses to give a purpose, because they’ve been biding their time for YEARS to make some stupid*** big reveal about how Sylvanas has been secretly doing all these naughty things for [insert whatever bad guy here].