Northern Lordaeron

So seeing WoW has started revisiting it’s old lore instead of going with scrapped ideas from Kingdoms of Amalur (look up it up if you think I’m joking), I for one am optimistic we might finally get to glimpse the mysterious Northern Lordaeron. Ya know that massive chunk of territory bordering Quel’Thalas that makes up like 50% of Lordaeron that’s been sight unseen ever since WC3?

There really is next to no lore tying the place down. So in this topic I’m going to tell you, gentle viewer what I want for it.

Two words;

Zombie Cowboys.

Okay you can stop reading there if you want to TLDR this mfer. But if you wish for me to elaborate, my chief inspiration for this is an isometric action RPG called;

So the gist is;
Northern Lordaeron is a huge swath of resource rich territory that was abandoned due to Scourge concentrations considered best left to rot until they were all dealt with following the events of Shadowlands.

So we’ve this sprawling territory full of ghost towns, untapped wealth, limitless potential but of course the land is cursed from the root to the stem and pretty much every blade of glass is haunted.

But when’s a little something like that stopped the Horde and Alliance from sticking their noses where they don’t belong?

I figure after DF the factions are no longer as buddy-buddy but if there’s a war it’s more frozen than cold.

The chief Alliance presence in the haunted hills would be the Worgen. The chief Horde one would be the Forsaken. With each faction’s Thalassian elves tagging along in the Sin’Dorei’s case to secure their own borders and in the Rendorei’s to frusturate the hell out’ve that process.

But of course they’re not alone.

As all land is troll land the Revantusk have arrived now leading all but the least sensible forest troll tribes with the official blessing of Empress Talanji.

The Dwarves too are here, also claiming squat’s rights, as there’s a couple of mountains here somebody’s great grandfather tinkled on once and that means it’s their ancient homeland.

Stormwind has also arrived under the claim they’re reclaiming human settlements for living Lordearonians. The fact that Turaylon is one of about seven of them that haven’t died or moved to Hearthglenn is an irony not lost on them but also not officially spoken of. But many of the Elywnian soldiers and workers loudly wonder WTF they’re doing here, especially seeing as the old white wolf already turned up first.

And where there’s disgruntled Stormwind workers, there is Defias. Who are also here to redistribute the wealth into their own pockets.

Of course though where Stormwind goes so to does Orgrimmar, and when they go to someplace described as wealthy you can count on the Bilgewater Cartel to lead the charge. But they’re not the only Goblins here, and some say the illusive Gallywix is the one running the Venture Co. operations already in process.

But yet even stranger things lurk within the wilds of Northern Lordaeron. The Scourge afterall was no stranger to diplomacy and prospectors have spoken of baleful Quilboar bramble patches full of undead porcine necromancers, no doubt a leftover staging ground for the Scourge’s illfated attempt at opening a franchise in the S.Barrens.

The Briarheart witches have also arrived, while the completely hostile Amani never left, and in hushed campfire tales adventurers and prospectors talk of the Devil himself appearing at crossroads to bargain for men’s souls, and the Devil is one handsome mfer apparently.

So in summary my idea here is the Forsaken and Worgen have a perfectly amicable treaty to carve the place up. But then in stomp the elves, the humans, the Goblins, the Orcs, the Dwarves, and the Trolls.

And it turns out this abandoned land wasn’t so abandoned afterall- and woe betide anything that threatens to awaken the monstrosities sleeping here.

So begins an epic adventure where you can be hero, scoundrel, partisan or mercenary in a land filled with opportunity… and gnashing teeth.

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I am very sure northern Lordaeron is currently controlled by the argent crusade. And I am also sure Hillsbrad has the most resources which is currently contested after the alliance took Southshore back.

Yeah no I just checked and you’re wrong on both accounts.

It’s definitely what I said it was.

Sounds like alot of headcanon.

My headcanon is stronger than yours. As is every molecule of my being.

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I don’t have a headcanon. Just wishes towards Blizzard for improvement.

And the difference between that and this is presumably known only to a forensic psycharist in Stuttgart, ja?