Normal/Hardmode MC Drop rates/Rewards?

There needs to be some carrot on a stick to do these hard modes. A title? Different but cooler looking armor with the same stats? Make normal drop rates obscenely lower than hard mode?

There’s gotta be something that gives people who put in extra time have a better reward. And this is coming from someone that be strictly casual.

They’ve already stated that the quantity of items dropped will increase with higher difficulties.


True, but there’s a difference between people running normal and getting all their BiS vs people running hard modes. The people running normal should be at a HUGE disadvantage imo where it may not be possible to due to the sheer limited number of gear dropping.

If that’s not the case where people at the end of the phase will be able to achieve everything, then there needs to be something else. Different gear models or something

The increased drop chance is more than enough, and even if there was no increase that’s still fine. Sod is so easy, the increased difficulty is to retain players who want tougher content and not having to nerf raids into the ground for the “average” or below player. If you or your guild don’t feel incentivized to run the harder content for a couple extra pieces by no means don’t

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What a terrible opinion.

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It’s what an MMORPG is. It’s a tread mill and gate keeping is part of the game. If people are insecure about people “looking better”, but they should find a different game.

The gear treadmill requires you to get gear. If you make it impossible for the normal players who play on normal difficulty to get gear, they will simply quit, and then the treadmill will be packed away for not drawing enough use.

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That’s fine. Ultimately, the players putting in work should feel and look like “special snowflakes” - however it may manifest itself. Whether it be that your “average” player only has a few items at the end of the phase vs a player who has the full set, or whatever.