Normal vs Heroic Dungeon requirements

Why do normal dungeons drop unupgradable 593 gear, but heroics require 606? I understand wanting people to do more content, but if I want to gear for dungeons by doing dungeons that should be possible.


I’ll be saying that I agree with the ‘why’ you put forward- probably to get people to grab some undermine gear before proceeding.

Hopefully they change normal to something like explorer gear for max level characters.

So you buy these pieces from the AH at 600 or 603 for about 60KG, then spend the next week just trying to get into heroic dungeons… Sounds about right.

(Until/if they improve dungeons)
Rather just do the undermine campaign and get it all for 0g, while getting gold. :slight_smile:

Next week any player can finish it and the story mode solo raid for a free heroic crafting item!

What do you mean “try.” You get the required ilvl, and press the queue button. You will be placed into a group eventually. There is no “trying” involved.

And where did this idea that you should be able to gear strictly from doing normal dungeons even come from? It’s not like the PvP vs PvE divide, where the playstyles are different. Facerolling your abilities in normal LFG is little different than facerolling through some world quests or low-ish level delves.

If all your gear is 600-603 (that doesn’t include trinkets that you can’t buy at 600), you have to level up each of those past 606 to get to 606 overall. each one takes between 25-100 valorstones. I did several dungeons/delves and the world boss and only got to 604 and it was a grind. Just saying it shouldn’t be this hard to get into heroic dungeons.
Keep in mind I’m a returning player. So I’m not geared from last season.


If you really wanted to gear by dungeons than normal and heroic wouldnt be a consideration in that gearing path. Go do delves

That makes zero since. If you want to do dungeons, go do something else lol. Also I have done them.


Are you still whining blizzard makes you play the game to get gear. Thats really sad poor guy

I’m just saying the fact that you can’t get to heroic dungeons from gear in normal dungeons is stupid. Some of us don’t live in our mother’s basement and can play 24/7.


They made this change a few weeks into the expansion after the people who matter had gotten into heroic dungeons direction from normal dungeons. I assume it’s because they want us lesser mortals to do other content that they need to report participation spikes in. And besides, it keeps people who don’t belong in the closed club of true M+ progression out of it.

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Doing normal and heroic dungeons to gear is stupid and a waste of time

Actually it’s a logical sequence for learning the dungeon. It always was before. Or would be if they didn’t have some really important reason for removing that path.


And yet its the worst path to gearing fast which seems to be the OP issues since he has to “grind” lol to do heroics

Yes, which is why I’m “complaining” about the system that should be the correct path.
Normal should lead you to heroic. But it absolutely can not. Which is stupid.


Its so easy to get geared these whine threads are always funny

Instead of whining about people voicing their opinion, worry about returning players just leaving again and this game drying up again.


Games been dead since 2004 havent you heard? Why you still here, sry you have to “grind” gear in WOW lol

This game will never die, but it will be empty. It just happens faster each expansion and patch.

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Hearing you whine that normal people should skip learning the dungeons and gear up somehow else kind of sounds like, a freaking LOT like you’re just trying to create situations to complain about. “We made them gear up doing something other than dungeons, why don’t they know those dungeons?!?”

As one forum alt to another, it’s pretty clear you’re not doing the grinding you’re expecting other people to do. In fact, right here in this thread too you are literally ordering people not to learn the dungeons. Pretty pathetic.