Normal flying is coming

That’s the only downside. I have all but the Loamm renown at 15. It’s at 8 right now so I will eventually get there I just hate the caverns so much.

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I would like to occasionally use my owl form to get from the top of the AH to the vault, but doing world content is bad for my mental health so I’ll just stick with the better version of flying.

Maybe if they put a few 447 (or equivalent) on the rep vendors, it would be worth it.

The only time you dont use vigor is when you run off a cliff. Which is why if I’m in Valdrakken I take the port to the top of the building here Alexstraza and co is and run off the top so that way I can try to get to whatever world quest im doing without wasting vigor.

When I take off from the ground I’m always wasting vigor because having ADHD means I don’t have good motor skills and a lack of impulse control.

I also have focus on one renown at a time. So I’m only doinf Dragonscale world quests. I finish those then I do the side quests that I haven’t touched. Dragonriding is exhausting and a chore for me. It’s not fun. Blizzard should have let us choose which one we wanted instead of making us go through hoops.

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DF path won’t be 86’d until the expansion after the upcoming one. It will be a while.

again…charge in air before you land. its like 3x faster.
even circling to charge in air is going to be faster than charging on the ground

Why? When I’ll be able to be in flight form and just buzz like a bee from node to node. Not having to worry about vigor and just mindlessly farming while I watch netflix and chill.


The gathering talent gives you a lot more than 1/3, and aerial halt gives you a full vigor. It’s very easy to start and stop while gathering indefinitely without ever running out

until then, obviously.
dont get me wrong…Im 100% irritated that normal flight wasnt here week one for those having trouble with DRing.
This is one of the worst things Ion has ever pulled. PF this time literally affects nearly only those who are lesser abled having trouble with DRing.
its disgusting that PF even exists at this point.
WE all had flight in the first hour, but someone with problems with DRing has waited nearly a year, now being further insulted with PF that WE didnt have to do.


Not really… no it doesn’t.

Well it does for me. I can gather indefinitely going from herb to herb starting and stopping and taking off again for hours without ever needing to wait on vigor to recharge. /shrug

I really in all my herbing or mining really never had a issue with vigor recharge. But that is just me. But with in a week or two after Nov 7th everyone will have old school flying back so it wont matter what flavor you like, you can do these things to your hearts content the way you want to do them.

they already have it in parts of the game -0 the rest is just gliding