Norgannon Alliance Reconnections

I’m hoping to see if Melestara/Aulavia is around, or if anyone has been in contact with her. Mele, hope to see you around sometime! If you’d like to catch up, shoot me a game mail to Nekemancer or Shanwei on Myzrael on Horde.

And Eternity, I sent a game mail to your character that you posted with here if you’d like to catch up sometime.

By any chance was your character Cass a Human warlock, I think? I was in Goonies never say wipe back in WotLK as “Superhealz” the NE resto druid.

Esta Night Elf Druid here. the rest is a blur its been so long

The time is upon us.

I hope you all have wonderful classic experiences. I’ll be a hordie on pagle enjoying a nice, happy frostbolt spam.

Have fun (OuO)z.

Manitou here from the way back times, older, wider but not any smarter. Worst tank in the guild, say hey to dracule, smark, grim, latra, baldore, hurrican, all the rest of the poor souls who made the AQ40 death run

Cass was Goonies GM, I was the other resto druid, her resto was Zivala. Her priest was Cassandrae. I followed her to Zul’jin, but she currently isn’t playing.

Hey Kero, I think I still have your btag, ill see you on Pagle with Cerena and a few others.

Hey ET.
To my knowledge, Whraith no longer plays. Get in touch with Snowscara. He and I have been in talks recently.

Zephyrr and Helms, I definitely remember both of you. Unsure if you remember me though, was a youngin at the time. Played a Human Female Warrior named Satella.

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I was in AC for a good chunk of BC, remember doing Kara runs with Deggz. Warrior named Satella

That is a shame that she doesn’t play, I had a lot of fun in Hope during BC. I live with Snowscara, he was telling me you guys were talking - that is cool.

Hey Rohban, long time no see - how has it been??

I’ll log on and check it out.

Kirsten, Human Warlock.
Khiron, Human Paladin.

From Nosotros, Requiem, Disbanded, The Tribunal (in TBC).

Chouroub is still around, so is Fuzzywarf, Shadow, Fanris and Calhoun. We’re currently in Kel’Thuzad, Alliance. Come say hi!

Quick update because QUEUES - Verg and I moved on to Westfall because Pagle and Mankrik were full and playing was of the utmost importance :slight_smile: You can find me on Westfall as an undead priest named Misu :slight_smile:

Hii Misu !

I think i use to play with you. I remember that guild. I was a night elf priest. Joeeo. Or maybe i just saw you around a lot in the cities. lol

Man i remember these guilds. I think i was in 1 or 2 of these? I dont remember at all. haha

what server you on?

That name rings a bell for sure ha :stuck_out_tongue: how 's it going? should add me at helms#1783