Norgannon Alliance Reconnections

Any other old Blind Fate guildies who see this… hit me up! Here or at Pyres#1779

For anyone who remembers:
Aldogg - NE Rogue
Compulsive - Human DK
Twack - NE Hunter

< Requiem >
< Blind Fate >

Hit me up on battle net. I’d love to play classic with some old friends.


Helms, Zephyrr, and Litlindwarf. We are on Thalnos along with Greywolfe and Nantule.

Add my tag Trustyroids#1144

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Tamand: Nelf resto Druid (started in vanilla but moved to Norgannon in '07 right after tbc). Currently in The Clique
ran w/: Chase in Precision (my hunter Tarlaura is currently GM there by default lol), Cerena in APATHY (on an alt), Cass in Goonies Never Say Wipe until we moved off server. Still have many norg peeps on btag.


This hunter, Evevene, was my main during vanilla/BC in the guild < Ascension >. I eventually ended up in < Way of the Warrior > during wrath with some other Ascension folks like Kolmar, Fergie, I think Ecks maybe? and probably some others I am forgetting.


I was a night elf druid by the name of Mato. Im trying to remember the name of the guild i was in but can’t recall atm, but we we’re a lively crew. i’ll try my best to remember some names. I know you guys are out there somewhere.

Keelijh here, I was in the guild Tribunal up until WotLK and still play from time to time. I’ve seen a few familiar names have already posted! Anyone else thinking of making a character on classic 2.0? Would love to group up again and smash a few dungeons!

Hey raz! It’s keelijh. How the heck are you? Hit me up sometime!

Hey Guys, your Peruvian Pally here from Blind Faith. Hope all you are doing good.


where you the guild amicta cavus with dunja and reeve? also on that note looking for old amicta cavus gulides

To this day I still crack up laughing when I think of the “I f***ed it! I f***ed it!” incident on onyxia. Good times.

Hi All!
My main was Kero and I was a human priest (1st toon) and played in several guilds. Perfect Alliance, Players Club, Helldoggs, Thirsty Turtles, Goonies, A P A T H Y, Far Riders, The Clique, Echelon and have been in The Heroic for about 6 years now. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone over on Pagle!

Hi All!
My main was Viper and Nitevipor. I was a human warror. I several toons and played in several guilds. Players Club was mt most active. I’m looking forward to seeing if anyone from the good old days is still around.

I played a paladin named Bors, and I’m still playing a paladin named Bors.

I’d love to reconnect with Calodrian (night elf priest), Elendria (night elf druid), or Hazelton (human warrior).

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Cal! Great to hear from ya! Any of the old gang still playing?

Hey folks. I was the founding GM of an Alliance guild from early Norgannon called < A b y s s >, which started out with a few friends (Blueline, Jenelf, Manatotem, Stephon, Shadows, Grymoira, Focarra, Pariahh) and did pretty well for a few years from 2006 to 2009. We kind of flamed out in the end with drama over growing too large, but a few of us have stayed in touch out of game.

Buncha Nerds :wink:

Thats me :slight_smile:

Hey Helms :smiley:

Been decent! Still playing this game for nearly 15 years! Just enjoying the horde side these days!

For anyone who played in Last Chance with me I will be currently going on the Grobbulus server Horde side with several friends! I might have to make an alt with you all!

If anyone wants to add me on bnet its Zephyrr#1832