Noobs guide to Remix?

I am goign to start this tomorrow with my wife. We are completely confused on gems, how to actually use them, how to determine what is best… Im sure a lot will make sense once we get into it but is there any recommended sites or videos rha break it down for a couple of noobs?

From my experience, and reading elsewhere, crit/vers/haste are the go-to gems because all the tinker abilities scale with them, but not mastery.

As for tinkers, I went with a mix of defensive and offensive while leveling but after getting your gear to a certain point full damage is crazy. Icy Veins and Wowhead have guides that are very similar.

If is your first character -
you could main a tank and a healer run dungeons 1-59.

then 60-70 quest.

Queue for it with other people or just us alone? We don’t really like grouping as ppl are just so pushy and we like to go slower and have fun

So I highly recommend you to questing and enjoy Pandaria’s storyline.

Same way the whole game works. Either read and follow icyveins or wowhead guides or play and experiment for yourself and be suboptimal… wow just seems to be designed with so many wrong choices and so few right ones (MOP remix much much less so if you play for a while you will be super OP in no times just doing… anything).

Join this community: great people who will help you get cheeves for gear.

Add Sparklepony#11104 if you like and I can answer some questions, maybe help you do some dungeons.

Never heard of them… Just pulled them up. Holy god… I don’t even know where to start.

Just make sure you use Lifestorm meta gem paired with the Searing Light tinker gem.

Stats will become irrelevant thanks to your cape which will get high enough in stats to be under heavy DR, if not hard capped.

For stat gems, I world suggest supplementing what your class doesn’t normally get through talents/procs when starting out. Generally you going to want a balanced start sheet because of the DR.

For me, I’ve not geared for haste at all. I’m beyond the point where my GCD is longer than my cast time ,so have pumped it all in Mastery/Vers with just enough Crit to hit 100% with my procs.

For reference though, my cape has about 200k threads collected. It is now the bulk of my stats.

Keep in mind…
36k is the hard cap for any stat.
Every 25% or so you get of a stat will take you to the next level of DR.

Item level will increase the value of any gems.
You can update to max for all tinkers, cogs and metas.

For stat (prismatic) gems…
Pants/Chest = Best scaling
Trinkets = Low scaling (can’t upgrade ilvl)
Jewelry = Lowest scaling (can’t upgrade ilvl)

For the best tinkers, experiment! Depends what your looking for and how you want to play.

If want the best output, of course, following an actual guide for your class is going to help.

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if you like going slower and taking your time, don’t even bother with groupfinder. walk into the dungeon physically and 2 man it because current modus operandi is to rush through as quickly as possible and the rusher will 9 times out of 10 will NOT wait for anyone. I would recommend doing that for both dungeons and scenarios and grab Bazaar quests every day, because they are a great source of getting your cloak leveled up.

otherwise stick to questing and as for the raids… you may get lucky and find a group for normal raids that is newbie friendly, but… people are most concerned with their bronze per hour rate, so… rushing happens for everything, everywhere.

oh and as you quest - don’t worry about what’s best. work with what you get, experiment as you get more gems, I would HIGHLY recommend narcissus addon as it makes adding gems to gear a bit easier.

There are 3 types of gems.

Prismatic, they go in your jewelry, chest and legs.

Meta, they go in your helmet.

Tinker, they go in your shoulders, belt, wrists and gloves.

Cog wheel, they go in your boots.

All are pretty straight forward.

The prismatics can be upgraded. Think Diablo 2 and the Horadric Cube.

3 chipped become 1 flawed.
3 flawed become one gem.
3 gems become 1 perfect. Perfect give stam boosts and whatever boost that color gives.

You are going to be in for a rough time if you do any kind of group content if you don’t like people who rush. You’re going to do literally nothing as whatever the content is gets obliterated in literal seconds.

Either expect and prepare for this mentally or avoid any kind of group content at all costs because I can guarantee unless you have your own curated groups of peers, it is going to happen.

Otherwise enjoy the gamemode for what it is. A power trip on steroids. Maybe spend some time on Wowhead reading their introductory guide. Just don’t expect this to play in any way like retail does.

#1 - Search google “Class Spec Remix” and use the suggested build and gems from the wowhead guide you find. They are close enough and you become powerful enough that I’d just use those. Some things I disagree with having leveled but it still got me to 70 effectively on the guides I followed.

#2 - Determine your goals in Remix. Is it becoming extremely powerful or acquiring bronze for cosmetics or both? What your goals are really matter with how you approach the experience. If you want to level fast look into the “normal raid / auto loot off / mailbox” style to get yourselves to 70 in like 2-4 hours played.

#3 - the fastest way to earn bronze is by doing activities that award the bronze caches typically dailies for group finder and raid finder as well as the daily normal raid lockouts which you can do starting at level 25. See #2. It also happens to not just be the fastest way to level - its the most Ludacris way to earn bronze these days.

#4 - Prioritize completing the 4 achievements that unlock the four of five accessories that you dont automatically earn at 70. You get one accessory just for hitting 70. The achievements are: Escalation, Heroic: Pandarian Scenarios, Heroic: Pandarian Dungeons, and Pandarian Raids. They are all easy to complete while leveling.

#5 - scaling at 60-70 and especially at 70 is rough. If you arent going to invest in item upgrades, reroll more characters rinse and repeate. If you want to continue to do things focus on upgrading gear to allow you to more easily do thins. You’ll feel way under powered as a fresh 70 compared to how you felt leveling.

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To be honest, just upgrade the gems when you have three of the same and use what you want. I tend to use speed because dungeons are so fast and i don’t want to get locked out of dungeon bosses.

I mainly use instant aoe spells, so go crit more than haste.

The good part about remix is you don’t need to over think it or simulate.

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