Noob question: getting from the Exodar to Stormwind

It’s been a while since I played the earlier iterations of the game, thought I’d try to make draenei shaman and I’ve done a bit of questing around the Exodar, but I can’t figure out how to get off the place to Stormwind.

Is there any obvious travel method I’m missing, or is it just try and beg a mage to give me a portal?

You gotta take the boat to Darkshore. Southwest area has a path from the Exodar. From that boat you can stay in Darkshore or take another boat to Menethil. Portal is also an option

But even if I get to Menethil, there is no flight path out of there (I tried it and it said there was no connected flight point) and walking from there to Ironforge would be regularly fatal. And if I get to darkshore, where to I go from there?

actually the path from Menethil Harbor to Ironforge, while long, is pretty devoid of enemies if you follow the road. I walked it just fine

it’s also convenient to walk your first time so you can pick up the flight paths, that way when you go back for your mount you can just fly there

There are some ways to do it either running or drowning yourself off the coast (youtube). That said I like questing in Darkshore so thats what I recommend.

ESPECIALLY with tbc xp rates. In classic it could be a pain hitting the 15-16ish levels and get nothing but high level quests. Now you can knock out the whole thing and go straight to ashenvale

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I tried it, died 3 times to crocs before just hearthed out. I realise there are probably quieter sections but the road outside Menethil is iffy.

Anyhow, it seems there isn’t a quick way.

And if I do that, how do I then get to Eastern?

As far as I’m aware your only options are Menethil Harbor, heading down to the Barrens and taking the Ratchet boat to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn, or a Mage portal

Yeah that happens. Except to die a handful of times. You’ll need to persevere if you want you make it to IF.

Yeah, you could take the boat from Menethil to Theramore and then walk north to Ratchet and take the boat to Booty Bay. The path from Theramore to Ratchet is full of murlocs; I don’t know if you can avoid all of them by taking a swim, but it’s likely to be better than running. Once you’re in Booty Bay, you can avoid all combat by swimming far enough off of the west coast.

If you can’t get a friendly mage to port you for free, you’ll need to take the boat to Darkshore. Transfer to the boat that goes to Menethil. CAREFULLY run to IF, getting the Thelsamar flight path on the way. Get the IF flight path, then take the tram to SW.

This CAN be done even at level 10 (I know because I did it - BOTH ways) but you have to be REALLY careful. Stockpiling healing pots is helpful too & be prepared to die - at least if you do, there’s every chance that you can rez far enough away from the mob(s) that agroed on you to be able to continue forward without danger (from that mob anyway lol).

A.) Did you get to SW?
B.) What server is that alt on?

If you’re on Mankrik, send a tell to Loralae or Aeralyn & I’ll help you get there.

Hi, no I took a break because I still had a few quests to do near Exodar. I’ll go back to it at some stage, maybe when I have a couple more levels. Its on one of the Oceanic servers so sadly you can’t give me a hand, but I appreciate the offer.

Oh ok. Well hopefully you can get some help from a friendly mage there then. Even though the run can be done, it’s LOOOOOONG lol! If you ever create an Ally on Mankrik & need some bags or a hand, give me a holler. :smile:

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