None of Alpha MM pvp issues is being addressed

been keeping tabs on the alpha classes forum. every person saying ‘mm seems good’ , yet they have no cc and will continue to also get trained with no way to kite?

we wanna mm pvp and have it be competitive , dont we?


They have cc and snares and slows? What are you watching?


I do miss PvP’ing as MM, i won’t lie. I don’t honestly remember the last time I did it, maybe Cata? Anyways, I feel your pain and from what i’ve heard Scatter shot and bursting shot DR? something along those lines…

Anyways, melee up time is the problem that current hunters face. :confused:

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That’s because they’re almost always friends and family at this stage. They will rarely give negative feedback. It’s unfortunate, because this is when they need critical feedback more than ever.


Frankly I don’t like PVP as BM or as MM. It’s too easy to lose you pet to obstacles, CC, or death for BM. The worst part is hard swaps. It’s downright painful waiting for your pet to swap, especially if Barbed Shot is on CD. Half the time it feels like my pet is ignoring me completely. Until my pet gets there, I’m pretty useless DPS wise.

MM, on the other hand, has an ungodly long AS cast time that makes it difficult to use in Arena, plus most people feel forced to run LW so they don’t have the utility of having a pet.

I miss ranged SV so much.

In any case, you shouldn’t hold your breath about them fixing MM in Alpha, Beta, or Live. I don’t think they actually assign people who play Hunter to the class design of hunters. Plus they aren’t going to get any real feedback until Beta when real players log on. Unfortunately by then, most mechanics are already set in stone so the feedback will be useless. It’s painful to watch, and they do the exact same thing every expansion.


lol what a joke. Alpha should be available to everyone. Only like 40% will end up giving feed back anyway

People like you are exactly why alpha isn’t open to a lot of people.


Vocal minority is not always the best source of information. In a way limiting availability makes those who might not give feedback give it.

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you don’t know a thing about me. there is no one like me. we are unique.
i could play the same card you did, and insist that i can’t take a person who plays gnome seriously. But i ain’t that guy anymore.

I’m not sure their reasoning as to why they limit alpha access-and why it’s only limited to ‘friends and family’, but it’s no help to the game at all.

Even the most casual of players still play pvp, and can give honest pvp advice. Picture your dad saying ‘yeah, you know I love marksmenship, but ive been playing Bgs alot in BfA and my a$$ gets crammed (which you know your mom doesnt like) so im thinking blizz could maybe return some of the utlity the spec use to have.’

the thing is, blizz’s mentality is ‘MM can’t have everything Surviv has and more, it’s not fair.’ When infact blizz should already know that being melee and not hardcasting s**t gives heavy advantages and means that YES. YE SYES YES, MM should have everything surviv has… + more.

While it is worrisome that indeed none of mm’s core issues are being addressed in the alpha, I do remain hopeful that we’ll see further changes to this spec.

The re-introduction of kill shot, tranq shot and the change to make binding shot baseline are certainly welcome but I feel like MM’s performance in rated PVP would still highly depend on how under/overtuned Aimed Shot actually is.

Currently, on live, MM does not have the required tools to kite most melee specs (some specs are borderline unkiteable, e.g. havoc, ww, uh dk), and Aimed Shot’s damage is just laughable, especially for such a long cast time, thus making it really difficult to be successful in any form of rated pvp, imho. The only time when we can apply some sort of pressure is during Trueshot, and curiously enough, Aimed Shot’s cast time is reduced by 50%.

Should we not get the tools required to be successful in rated pvp, i.e. more utility and damage source redistribution (away from Aimed Shot), the only thing that would give MM a chance would be to have Aimed Shot hit extremely hard (Think Chaos Bolt during Infernal and Dark Soul hard, lol) to the point that if you get caught out in the open facing an MM hunter you’re pretty much dead. This playstyle is not good for the game though, and players would soon learn to los us all game, which is what happens with destro locks right now, except they have much more survivability and proper utility.

Regardless, we’ll see what they end up doing with MM in pvp, but barring much needed changes or AiS hitting gamebreakingly hard, MM is pretty much doa, in rated pvp that is.


Part of me wants to argue that mm has not been able to kite since wotlk dks had grip and chains of ice.

I am worried about mm having low utility, however trank and binding shot being baseline should help.

Edit: While I’m not a fan of traps the night fae ability or bastion ability could help in pvp also.

Edit edit: it appears that the night fae ability has changed from what I thought it was so never mind that point

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I am curious. People said MM has no ability to kite melee… my question is, do we expect any spec to kite another spec indefinitely? Doesn’t matter if it’s MM or any other spec.

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I’ve given plenty of feedback, and most of it is critically harsh but filled with suggestions. Go check out my posts

The thing is, on paper, MM has the right tools to enable it to be an excellent kiter: its range is longer than the 40 yard max every other spec gets, its slow can be refreshed on CD or by steady shot, it has a disorient, a (skill shot) knockback, an AOE slow, a freeze trap, a ranged interrupt, can break cast times with FD, get away with posthaste, and can have a pet with its own slow…and we’re not even getting into its offensive abilities.

A better question would be, with all of these tools, why can’t it kite indefinitely?


It’s great they made binding shot baseline, but bursting shot is still terrible. They need to bring back bursting shot from legion (disorient) or make scatter a disorient DR for trapping.

MM also just lacks a way to do damage while kiting. Tanking melee while casting aimed shots that do no damage is horrid game design.

If MM has casted aimedshot, we need a way to use other abilities to make them hit hard or other abilities can cause aimed to be instant or casted while moving.

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Actually you couldn’t play the same card. See, I can just point to the original post in which you either (A) willfully lied, or (B) are so inept about what abilities a MM hunter has as to never want an opinion from.

Take your pick.

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We should not be able to kite melee indefinitely. However currently melee have better slows and have more tools to instantly get on us then we have to get away. Maybe I’m just bad but in my experience melee has practically 100% uptime which they shouldn’t have.


You are right. No spec should not be able to kite another spec indefinitely. However, it seems like some people prefer MM to be able to do just that.

Maybe the issue isn’t MM… but the tools melee has to close the gap.


If burst of speed rogues could be kited then current melee should definitely be kiteable. Think about all of the kiting abilities hunters have lost over the last few expacs, from glyphs to pet abilities. We need them back.

And if i’m a better player than the person i’m kiting they shouldn’t be able to touch me.


Exactly that. One of the most worrying changes was the number of high mobility some classes were getting added through the covenant abilities.

Normally I’m all for buffing over nerfing but the melee gap closers should be toned down.