Non-spec-specific rewards for faction assaults sucks

It’s an awful, no-good, very bad idea. Since this system started I’ve participated in three faction assaults, and in every single one of them my reward was a weapon for a spec I don’t play and couldn’t use at all in my current spec, and was thus worthless to me. This is a huge kick below the belt that kills any incentive I have to play what was supposed to be one of the draws of this patch.


I have done 3 assaults on my Fury Warrior. I got a shield twice. (same one). Don’t use shields in Fury. So yea, I agree this is a terrible idea. Really don’t want to waste my time doing these for scrap.

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I agree. My holy paladin got a ret sword and my resto shaman got a enhancement weapon. Why is this happening? Very sad.

my BM hunter who really needed a ranged weapon upgrade just got a 355 polearm, as beastmaster loot spec

A+ gameplay, not sure if this is a joke or intended for a joke of an expansion

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Yes! This is absolutely ridiculous. Over the last two assaults that I completed on one of my characters, I have received two weapons @ 380 ilvl, both for the specs I NEVER touch. It’s so discouraging to see this happen multiple times.
How the developers thought adding MORE randomness to World of Randomcraft was a good idea is beyond me.

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i’m with you on that… i was lucky on 1 assault (i actualy couldnt believe it… ) but overall i’m getting useless stuff.
I mean come on : it would be TOO SIMPLE to offer us a choice between 2/3 items ? nahhh, not a good idea.
GROW FRUSTRATION > GROW ANGER > BE SURPRISED people unsub and get insane on FORUMS > BAN THEM / SILENCE THEM (i expect that to happen to me within minutes now) > START AGAIN. The natural cycle here.

But that is exactly it. If you get everything you need immediately you’ll be done playing faster. They want you to have a reason to keep playing. It’s not complicated at all.

Now at some point the constant dangling of random incentives becomes more frustrating than motivating, and that point is different for each player. Given the volume of posts here about it (unfortunately misdirected, since nobody from Blizzard reads this forum, only other players who want to help but can’t do anything about this), they may have pushed it a little far this time. But if you think so, tell them somewhere they can hear you. General, Bugs, or Customer Service.

Of course Blizzard won’t see this. They won’t respond. I’ve submitted a ticket about this because Shields and offhanders are pretty worthless as enhancement.

hey sorry to jump in your convo, but i couldnt figure out how to create a new topic lol. Anyways im a little stuck in the game i have completed the following achievements loremaster of kul tiras, ready for war, a nation united, the pride of kul tiras and now i have no avaliable quest. i was reading another forum that said cyrus is supposed to give u a quest but i dont have that either…someone help me lol

I agree, it is the most demoralizing thing this in the game. I already hate the fact they ruined hunters with a melee spec now every time I get a weapon from these things it’s some melee garbage that none of the true hunter specs can even use. Or my prot pally gets a two hander…
This needs to change, reward should be REWARDS not garbage. Makes you want to stop all together, cause whats the point?

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I agree BM hunter and have gotten a spear twice, maybe I should have respect for it as a survivalist then maybe I would have gotten the weapon I need. It’s like going to get mail armor and they say here your plate enjoy. It’s not worth doing anymore. All the RNG is making the game not just no fun, it’s becoming frustrating and honestly once my 6 month sub is up, I think i’m done, feels like every reward in game is a lootbox. It’s not the reason I pay a sub to play.

Nothing much frustrated to get same level azerite shoulder for 6 times. Weapon can sell gold at least. Azerite gear almost worthless with scrapping. My solution is reading the reward very carefully before doing assault. Whenever I will have some reward. I will tell myself it must a rubbish. Now I have more off line time, it can reduce 80% on WOW. Blizzard do not tell me RNG can give me more scene of achievement. what I want is some candy everyday.

Agree. My chars cannot got any useful for week or 2. Always give me same level Azerite gear, or off spc equipement. I have enough of it. So I stopped to do Faction Assault. I am waiting my sub expired. It is better to save my time to do repeated Faction Assault 28 times a week.