Non hybrid self healing is out of control

Right now when you look at the meta it’s full of specs that seem almost immortal.
DH, Spriest, Fury, Demo.
These specs have way too much self sustain that it makes it almost impossible to kill them outside of a go. The problem is all of these specs are also incredibly disruptive.
Dh with quite a few instant cc options along with reverse and dark.
Spriest with fast md, short fear, and swap.
Fury with disarm, fear, bolt, and intervene.
Demo with axe toss, and fear spam.
It makes it so even in stations where you try to avoid hitting these immortal targets, they can still single handedly shut down any attempts to kill their teammates.
This isn’t even mentioning that these specs also have some of the best pressure in the game at the moment. Dealing insane amounts of damage either consistently or in burst windows and sometimes both.
I’m completely fine with specs having damage + utility. Or damage + survivability. But when they excel at all 3 it causes an incredibly toxic meta where nothing dies and your punished for not playing with these specs. I personally think the sustain should be the first target for these specs, since unkillable monsters is much more annoying to play against than anything else.


Yup - Fury and DH both need to be nerfed. Not sure why they keep promoting these ape classes each season.

The problem is they constantly promote the most annoying forms of these specs.
With fury transforming form a 2 button spec to pretty much a 1 button spec with the bloodthirst build and dh still having access to their demon proc which buffs their healing and damage. Somehow even after losing the blur conduit dh managed to be even more unkillable.