Non-classic Discord?

looking for emerald dream server that isnt for classic

hi! for Hordeside!

thats a rp server

ED is an RP server

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Yup! Emerald Dream is an RP server.

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World of Warcraft is an MMORPG developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

Its an ed discord with events both pvp pve and rp.

Would be nice if the link could be re-posted with one that doesn’t expire.

Possibly but last time someone decided to bot spam the server with tgirl mature adult pictures (over 400 seperate accts)

So after that they sort of became more aware of how often the link is posted and for how long.

Is it possible for someone to PM me a link? Horde


Apologies - this link should work.

Your link worked. I joined (Nightvain#2342) … Im just a solo player on Emerald Dream. Evidently I’m silenced on the discord, am I supposed to do something?

Hoping to make a couple friends. :slight_smile: Thanks

illl unsilenced…it auto puts you into the appeals section/server info section so you can see the rules (oh nvm someone already unsilenced you nvm. ) and it shows the mod channel who joins so we can just unsilenced) one of their “protections” in the disco.

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