Nomod, mod:shift, mod:ctrl, @mouseover, exists,harm][] macro help

If anyone is able to help me with this macro I’d appreciate it greatly.

I can get the macro to work without the mouseover, but once I add the mouseover and target macro [] it only works for the nomod part of the macro.

The following works:

/cast [nomod] Arcane Shot; [mod:shift] Kill Shot; [mod:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot

but with the ,@mouseover,exists,harm][] it stops working, except for the first nomod portion.

/cast [nomod,@mouseover,exists,harm][] Arcane Shot; [mod:shift,@mouseover,exists,harm][] Kill Shot; [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,exists,harm][] Tranquilizing Shot

I also tried adding /cast in front of each, but again, only for the nomod portion.

/cast [nomod,@mouseover,exists,harm][] Arcane Shot;
/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,exists,harm][] Kill Shot;
/cast [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,exists,harm][] Tranquilizing Shot;

I have checked my keybindings to be sure that there are no other shift or ctrl bindings set. I saw something mentioned regarding a pet default set for ctrl and shift, but Pet Action Buttons are not set.

Am I doing something incorrect, or is it not possible. Thanks in advance.

[] means cast the spell as if you’re casting it from the spellbook. It should only ever appear once in a macro.
harm implies exists, you don’t need both.

/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:shift] Kill Shot; [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Arcane Shot
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Thanks so very much! Have a wonderful day.