Nokia 1000 Owners/Anyone Knowledgeable, Please

I recently began my walking program and I use an old MP3 player (not Bluetooth) so that I can walk to a tempo.

Today it hit me: “Why not use the mobile’s music capability instead?”

Uh,huh. Right.

First I googled “How to load my music to my Nokia 1000”.

An hour later, and I am no smarter than when I began.

So I would like to ask you: Is there a simple way to do this without doing that QR symbol thing and linking to Windows? If so, would you be so kind as to share it with me?

If I have to back everything out, so be it. If I need to buy a bt capable mp3 player instead, I can do that too. I just don’t want to spend more than $50 bucks, if that’s possible, and a recommendation for a player would be welcome too. It just needs volume, and lots of it. In my drumming days, I lost 40% of my hearing, so the louder the better.

Can anyone help this ol’ geezer?

My sincere thanks!
