Nokhud offensive and brackenhide not scaling to level in follower dungeons!

I am on my lvl 31 shaman healer, and I am being one hit by every mob in bracken hide, and Nokhud offensive, when I use the follower dungeons. The mobs all say ?? as their level, though the followers in the dungeon aren’t dieing that quick only me. I have been through the other dungeons and they all scaled to level of the person using the follower dungeon.

I have not mounted or anything, just entered and every hit I take I die. Though it’s only happening in two of the dungeons.

Can you fix this please?


Second. On my 32 DH all the mobs in the Nokhud Offensive are ?? and even trying to cheese it by letting the other DPS do all the work, I still get hit by the occasional off-target attack that instantly kills me.

My entire group is having the same issue with this particular dungeon.

I’m also having this issue in Halls of Infusion, now that I’m high enough level to queue for it.

Seems this is fixed as of today’s patch

still having the issue here, one shotted by skull level enemies in follower dungeon

Same issue!

Same issue here, can’t do Nokhud offensive because the scaling is completely broken. Disappointing.

Same. Nokhud Offensive and Brackenhide Hollow mobs are max level. Relogging, reloading, running a different working dungeon, nothing has helped.

Same here, Nokhund Offensive is all ?? mobs, was so confused at first. First time running these and enjoy the follower dungeons but am disappointed they weren’t better tested and are broken.

+1 to having this issue. Shame, I really liked the storyline and wanted to kill balakar

Nokhud is scaling correctly for me today but Brackenhide Hollow & Halls of Infusion are scaling incorrectly for me. I am seeing level 69 trash mobs on my level 63 paladin.

I’m having this trouble today. Level 38 shaman (on Saurfang realm if that matters) and all the mobs are level “??” and one shotting me

Me too! Took me 3 deaths before realizing I wasn’t doing something wrong.
Guess I won’t be doing this dungeon. :woman_shrugging:

Yeah, I did exact same thing. Took me til the third time to realise

Same thing. Sadly I took many more than 3 tries before I pieced it together.

They really haven’t fixed this in over a month? Gotta love how they push alts into leveling straight into DF then don’t scale a dungeon down properly. Especially when the boss of said dungeon is one you want to take down because of how annoying he was during the campaign.

Still experiencing it on my end as well this time in halls of infusion. Sad to see this was broken, I just wanted to run a few dungeons since I’m fresh coming back.

Yup, Nokhud offensive scaling still completely borked. Just about ruins the new player leveling experience too if you want to find out what happens in the story in this zone. Such a crazy amount of jank for such a rich company.

Yeah, i just keep getting one shot by adds that branch off from the tanks agro. Then when trying to do any damage it says misses. Glad to find this because i was lost and confused on why things where just weren’t going well.