Guild & Server: Nocturnum - Bleeding Hollow - Horde Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 12pm(noon)-3pm EST Current Progression: 5/10N - 1/10H Castle Nathria - New guild, first tier Recruitment Contacts: Btag - Phantom#18645 // Disc - Phantom#5677 Requirements: LF driven, knowledgeable, competitive, selfless players with positive attitudes, previous mythic raid experience preferred but not required, high raid attendance (80% or higher for the month - no more than 2 absences for the 12 days of raid per month) Needs: Currently recruiting Core spots - Unholy DK, Balance Druid, Marksman Hunter, BM Hunter, Mage, Warlock, Resto Druid, MW Monk, Resto Shaman, BM Monk, Vengence DH. - ALL exceptional players will be considered even if your class/spec isn’t listed. LF M+ players as well. Socials welcome