Nobody wants High Elves

Within reason, lol, though honestly if there was like. Suddenly a huge demand to give everyone toxic green mullets or whatever, or put cat ears on the humans or some stuff like that, like… whatever, if it’s what people want and people will use the option, then I’ve got no place to say it’s bad just because I don’t want to.

Wrong. Don’t speak for everyone.

Wrong again. Don’t speak for everyone.


Please no, I want new Nightborne options for Nightborne. Making us similar to the Void/Blood elf neutral race is exactly what I don’t want.


Lol I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.

But it’s like so many people want them, to come and say nobody wants them is crazy to me.


They need to fix Nightborne faces first. Then give more customization.

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Agreed. High elves are not my cup of tea and I dislike them quite a bit. Void elves are more interesting to me, especially in look. Lore… not so much, but eh.

There’s plenty that want high elves, which is great. They’re getting what they want aside from the hair color and lore, but that may eventually be added.

But yeah-- definitely not everyone. I wish void elves got more void options. Like what I shared on this thread:


That’s the ideal, but I doubt Blizz is willing to put that much work into it. It’s much easier to copy paste customization off of the same base model.

They DEFINITELY need more, though. I’d rather have more, lazier options than nothing new at all.


/thread :woman_shrugging:


I second this even though I would prefer Nightborne be redone completely first, I would settle for more customization over how little they have currently.

You are too late.

They should just combine it all into one race like Panda’s part two. Not that I agree with it, but wouldn’t that just simplify it.

Next XPAC we get humans on the Horde side because well, Humans do whatever they want anyway. Lastly, Horde gets Eredar and Alliance can get some undead thing and take Calia with them.

So people do want high elves? Make up your mind dude.

Void elves are a completely made up race, there isn’t any lore about them.

The closer they are the better, but I think they should just add high elves at this point. What we really want are high elves, not void elves that look like high elves.


If by high elves you mean that OG monstrosity that was a night elf body with a grossly mismatched head, yes pretty sure no one wanted that.

its what I play in final fantasy
Or at least I would if I could get past the first hour of it
So tedious…

Am I too late?


I’ll take “General Statements With No Basis In Reality” for $800, Alex.

Loving that link, huh? :rofl:

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OH as you see, that’s my new thing. All credit to you.:grin::heart:

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It should be noticed that Void Elves were created based on Alleria, yet currently they look nothing like her.

A Void Elf with non-blue skin is not a High Elf. It’s just a Void Elf with non-blue skin. Like Alleria.


Nobody wants High Elves

How do people earnestly say stuff like this as if this forum didn’t have a plague of requests for high elves for literally over a decade.

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1 - speak for yourself, not the community.
2 - if you dont like them, dont play it.

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If you read the lore blood elves are formerly high elves. Void elves are also another break away faction of high elves. Both of these races speak the language of high elves which is thallasian.

People just care about titles instead of the reality of things.