I like doing the initial run through the leveling zones, but I do what I need to do at that time. Flying makes me play more because I can pick what I want to do.
They should either let you buy flying at 58 if you have a the gold. Or just remove flying all together. Pick a side blizzard.
Ofc it’s a demon hunter
You mean flying over the world quest for 100 Voldunai rep I don’t need to do the one for a 430 weapon on my alt? I guess… but if they didn’t have flight I’d be running past that content instead of flying over it.
I enjoy content when it’s new, exploring and seeing new areas up close is fun… but I can’t be sorry about flying over zones, to world quests and so on once I can fly and have completed my quests in said areas.
Bad Troll! Bad Troll, Bad! Go to you basement this instant…
oh, wait…your there! Never mind.
Added: Now, I know why I can’t flag this stupid OP. He/She has been flagged way too many times already. Dang it, younglings! I need a chance to flag it, too.
Darling, my name is not Nobody and I want flying. Your argument is flawed…in order to unlock flying those people floating around had to repeatedly run around the freaking world over and over and over and over and over again to gain boring rep.
The fact is the people in charge of this game are lazy and lack imagination and are unable and unwilling to deal with flying. I think it has very little to do with players wanting it or not. Its is just another time gate the horrid blizzard team wants to use.
Weird, that’s how I feel about the players most of the time.
It is the first time through. Alts, not so much
Personally I love flying. And if it wasn’t in the game, i 100% wouldn’t be playing it. It’s hands down one of the best aspects of the game.
Yes: No flying. In return, all zones must be labyrinths with fast re-spawn timers.
I counter with if flying is not added next expansion it’ll hemorrhage more players than warlords did.
You realize in order to get flying, you need to have completed all the content up to 8.2…yes?
After 8.2, you use flying for content that has already been explored. If you’re going to be disingenuous, you can be a bit more wise about it.
i don’t want flying.
But Blizzard has us doing all the content to unlock flying. So that’s not really a valid reason to want flying gone. I think pathfinder is fine. When it was being debated I was more on the side of no flying, but pathfinder is a great compromise, since we still have flying, but we have to earn it.
I think people that are complaining about lack of content are more complaining about the lack of good content. 8.3 is great imo, with the use of old zones and the horrific visions being really fun. But I wasn’t a fan of a lot of earlier content like Island Expeditions and Warfronts, and I know I’m not alone on this.
I also don’t want flying to ever be unlockable.
Then don’t use flying mounts if you unlock it.
i dont already…
By plentiful content, do you mean WQs? Are you calling travel time content? I’m gonna also go out on a limb and say since they removed flying, and reluctantly put it back in, more people want flying than you are giving credit.