Nobody wants 10 boss raids

Sure but we had 13+ bosses raid before, which I guess for me 10 means 10+

Two 9s and an 8.

I like the idea of a 6 and a 3, released a bit later on with tuning assuming you’ve cleared the 6.


Didn’t raid that tier. Just saying I think that’s peak. Of course it means less room for filler gimmick bosses but do people want gimmick bosses in progression raids anyways? I dunno. You can use boss 2 for silly mechanics or put gimmicks in other pieces of content.

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Not really sure we got any gimmick bosses this expansion honestly.

The last one was fatescribe.

I generally wouldn’t be for less content. If they do smaller raids I would still want the same amount of bosses per patch, which would mean more raids.

That’s the thing, youre assuming that the majority of players don’t raid. This is false. In fact players like you are buying runs in a pay to win manner, keeping all the raiders happy.

I want 100 boss raids. ALL THE RAID BOSSES!


I’d play this.

Smaller raids, more raids / raid tiers per expansion. Instead of 3 + fated, you’d get 4 + fated.

More race to world first, more gearing cycles, more thematic shifts, more narrative. More final and penultimate fights which are typically the bosses people care about,

 i know. it is like rocket science or something

I don’t raid anymore but why not have raids of various sizes. Start off with smaller raids and then have the last raid of the xpac be larger. Blizzard could also sprinkle some one, two, or council style boss raids in here and there as well. The idea is that the last raid of xpac will be the one were people will have more time to progress through.

I dislike fated/awakened. So sure if that means an additional season with a new raid that would work.

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The game struggle to keep players with a 9-10 Raid Boss encounter interested for the 6+ months in between raids. 3-6 Raid boss design would just see a even worse turnover rate then what we currently are seeing.

Fated would inevitably be a smaller part of each expansion when it’s 1/5 of the expansion rather than 1/4. So that’d give you what you want.

Don’t have 6 months between tiers then? Have 4 months?

I think raids should just be a 10 man thing. No more 25. Too many people to rely on

I play with a guild. We run normals and sometime heroics every Wednesday. 10 boss raids are what make raids raids and not dungeons.

There is no need to change this for,USA for players who don’t engage in it. If you want quick 5 man Deon experience that already exists in the game at a variety of difficulty and challenge levels.


I would still prefer to get rid of fated/awakened. I skipped the first one and probably already done with this season. I enjoy playing raids in a more serious setting and sure it was nice seeing some fights I didn’t do but tuning is just boring and people aren’t motivated to play those seasons.

I want 30 boss raids, each fight takes at least 12 minutes which multiple instant wipe mechanics at the end, and like 46 trash packs between each boss that can’t be pulled together

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It’s always humorous when a single player comes here acting like they have incite into what the majority of player want.

Like wow, you made this whole post without consulting me

 I must have been missed because you apparently spoke to every else on retail besides me.

Because I was missed I would love to give my opinion so you can add it to your poll you obviously didn’t take.

I like the way it is. I don’t have time to dedicated to pushing world first. However I can raid two nights a week. I like the fact that I can long on one night raid 2-4 hours pushing mythic or heroic then log on the second night to either push or form an alt raid.

I understand not everyone has this amount of time, but that should be The Who population of wows problem

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