Nobody wants 10 boss raids

I don’t wanna have to leave one raid and fly to another in the middle of raid night.


Guy thinks LFR is hard, no feats, wants to ruin raiding for everyone else.

par for the course on GD I guess.


GD is the only place you get takes this cooked. :popcorn:


Which was released alongside Molten Core, a 10 boss raid

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And it’s a garbage take on that note. I dont think the person has played an mmo without raids, it gets very stale, and bland to play one.

People have a huge audacity to come into the game and tell others that they want something removed simply because they are too unskilled to do the content.


Nobody cares about R2WF other than for the days they’re racing… whatever comes before or after meh… who cares.


Ask most people and they’d be thrilled to hear that.

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2-4 boss raid wings seem to be the way to go.

Mop’s original FLex was Perfect.

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Oh so that’s why MC, Naxx, ZG, BWL, AQ 10, AQ all existed in classic with like 8 bosses each

maybe you should have actually played the game back then before posting this


To me, the best option would be more Raids per expansion, but with less Bosses per Raid. 3 to 6 bosses is perfect.

I think every zone should have a Raid, to finish the history of the place and also to give to us more variety of themes.

Is super tiring to spend so many hours or even days, playing the same Raid with many Bosses using the same theme and setting. DF was 50 shades of fire: fire with storm, fire with shadow, fire with plants… I hated it.

Blizzard cares. They spend an awful lot of time on it. R2WFers fight a version of the raid that nobody else ever does. Blizzard generally has to repeatedly tune/nerf the raid until it can be cleared. And then it reaches “normal” players (if you consider Mythic prog players “normal”) and it goes throughmore rounds of tuning/nerfs.

If this were a problem, how is WoW’s player base sustained when the vast majority of players don’t raid at all?

The silent majority of WoW players, who never even come near this forum, just play WoW to chill, so-called “open world” players. Blizzard has started to give these players something in the last 2 expansions rather than trying to shove raiding/M+/PvP down their throats.

There are an awful lot of players who don’t even play the current expansion. They simply farm out cosmetics and achievements on the previous expansion. Because it’s a whole lot less annoying.

Yeah, and times have changed. MC was (in p1) the only way to gear. Now you have M+ and even open world content that is comparable to the lowest raid tier.

I think thats the main reason I prefer LFR over even normals.
I can jump in and do that section and get out and go do other things I want to do.
Breaking it down into dungeon size sections was good for those of us who dont want to spend an hour or more in on sitting.

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remind me why this is valid reasoning for you and people like you to want to make raiding worse


I mean… it’s a fact that raiding participation went down drastically and it’s harder and harder for guilds, especially Mythic guilds, to recruit people after the start of a new season. A lot of people prefer the shorter, fast-paced Mythic plus content for the same rewards.
I think instead of a big raid with 10 bosses there should be more small raids, like in MoP or Cata. Three raids á 3-5 bosses is much better imo.

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6 bosses is the mathematical ideal. Two free bosses, two medium bosses, two hard bosses.

First 5 bosses drop tier, last boss drops a wild card token. You get your 2-set from the easy bosses. You get your 4-set from the medium bosses so you’re ready for the final two which are tuned around full 4-set.

Raid can get split into 3 boss, 2 boss, and a final boss lfr wings.

Ez game ez life. Ideal paradigm.

You’re describing heart of fear.

Add a terrace of the endless springs on top and that’s basically mop S1. (MSV was an appetizer)

With a flex lockout they still made it much easier to go at your own rhythm, the same way you can do a 3 boss raid you can do 3 bosses of a heroic raid and come back later do the remaining.

The gear problem I have talked in a long way on the CC about it, but yea I agree that current gearing is not great.

I don’t think we had a 10 bosses raid this expansion? Personally I enjoy harder bosses and having more bosses let them scale the difficulty better. A lot of people have disliked how raiding difficulty scale from beginning to end and the lower amount of bosses probably make this harder.

Raiding for me always has been a more niche experience so I’m not surprised that it won’t please everyone which is also why we have the option for m+ and more content outside of raids since Legion.

Boosting and selling services is also a whole other topic, a result from many designs decisions which I personally don’t agree with but integrity is not something a lot of people seems to care nowadays when it comes to their video games.

Maybe the game shouldn’t dictate how you manage your time.
You can decide to complete only a certain number of bosses in a raid at a time, just as easily if there were two separate raids. And then Blizz doesn’t have to half-assedly design an entire extra area/dungeon because YOU feel like you NEED to finish the whole raid at one time, like lockout doesn’t last a week or something.

But you had 3 9 boss raids right? Same difference.