Well, at least we’ve successfully agreed that this thread was about waving epeens rather than addressing a real issue.
I got that from Vanilla. Server caps were 3,500 concurrent players. Mark Kern originally wanted caps of 500. The decision to limit it was by design. Too many players is as bad as too few. You don’t develop community when there are so many people that you don’t start to get to know who everyone is. You should regularly recognize names of people and who they are and what they’ve done. Too many people and it’s just a sea of nameless/faceless characters.
You need far fewer people for a healthy community than you are thinking. This FOMO stuff of kids is crazy. Go have fun and stop waiting in queue. The server will not be dead.
I don’t understand these posts/threads.
The free transfers have only just started. It’s been like… one day?
Some people seem really invested in trying to make the new realms fail.
Balancing the population from high to low is the entire point.
You could go roll on your choice of server right now. You are waiting for Blizz to fix something that isn’t their problem. It’s yours.
Once again thats not a possible choice…
everyone floods to 1 server where friends and guildies are at, now its locked, then you’ll be complaining about queues once again, as they will likely be 20k+ because your so “idea” would fix itself
Then you have some stubborn and dumb friends…neither of which quality is going to server them well. When they are in enough pain, they will move or reroll. Until then, time will need to pass.
Not to mention people rolled on other servers specifically to get away from the type of person that would roll on Faerlina. Streamer groupies and FOMO kiddies are not really who I want flooding onto my server.
This was also back when people didn’t keybind or understand the game at all.
Its 2019 with tons of guides and wowhead leveling stuff. The community will develop naturally no matter how many players are on a server as long as there isn’t cross realm action going on.
If what you’re saying is true then the US of A states would have never come to be cause… “To many people in one state”…
and if im correct perhaps OP wanted to be on Faerlina because of said streamers but it backfired
Lord have mercy please read the thread before making assine statements.
I have re rolled. I rolled 3 different servers and was met with que times each time.
If i could get my characters off Faerlina to say Thunderfury I would move them RIGHT THIS SECOND as I have re rolled already.
I would like my main toon off faerlina as I put some time into half way leveling a profession and have about 7gold I could put to use. You follow what im saying guy?
or, reroll a 4th time to Thunderfury and this thread would be over!
This song will help this through
He already referred to other servers as possibly being “subpar”. He must think there has to be a cool and “happening” server to be on or not at all.
You’re so out of touch.
Nothing wrong with any of the other realms but you made up some nonsense in your head to justify sitting in a however many thousand queue.
This is just weird bro.
You had your chance. You were given a free transfer. There are no dead servers. Everyone has layers and scads of players. You want queues, you got queues. Not Blizzards problem.
You people are insane
Because hes so full of himself that his priorities are first before others, his logic is “clear” before others, hence why you got him screaming the free transfers to other servers will be dead due to “because I said so! I’m right and you better listen to me!”
everyone here not on the DEAD servers shouldn’t even post, you have no argument
And some people on 1-day-old “DEAD” servers seem to be doing everything they can to make sure other players stay away…
For whatever reasons, they’re trying to torpedo transfers to the new realms.
What has nothing to do with ques. You said:
This applies to every customer. So should all customers just shut up and take whatever they’re given? No choice? No voice? That is how monopolies and bad businesses flourish.