Nobody thinks Presvoker dam is too crazy?

Just watched CDew absolutely annihilate somebody in AWC. First was Fire Breath for 307k then 240k and 200k. As a healer? That’s fried fellas. No way a healer hits like that. Only Presvoker can do this. “But they have short range”, I don’t care what their range is. A healer hitting harder than a true dps isn’t right. They already have the best game control of any healer in the game as is. Aoe roots, aoe stuns with huge damage, nearly spammable Sleepwalk, aoe damage and dots… If they wanna let that ride, that’s fine but, every healer should have abilities that hit like that. Currently none of us do.

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Not that crazy considering it’s a crit on a 1.8 million health pool

Not true.

Pres does needs big nerf to the living flame proc 4 set tho and to their mana efficiency.

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Your Evoker was Yummy !


So 250kish damage with a short range, that’s kickable, on a 30 second cd, with a 2 and a half second cast time is unbelievable damage?

it’s important to remember that a lot of players interpret the gray castbar of empower spells as meaning it’s not kickable

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I think it’s awesome that pres does that much. I think healers should do more damage. It increases the impact that healers have instead of being healbots.


To a degree…

Offensive healing is healthy and engaging when there’s some sort of risk or tradeoff

Pres fits the bill well here

Then we have fistweaving that is hyperenabled depending on the comp. That subspec should be permanently axed from the game and purged from memory

Very true. Part of the reason is because fw heals while it does damage.

Give em druid treatment. 4th spec gogogogogo

On the bright side, in scrub world (1.9-2.3 or 2.4ish) you can stop worrying about somehow ccing the presvoker for your initial go and just kill a dps since most of the time they just don’t heal and want to do dmg rofl.

I think healers should actually have more dam, outside of the tiny one shot windows they currently have.

IMO they should be able to put in damage for more globals if they can afford those globals.

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I would normally agree with this. The problem with Pres is that it does this damage, gains mana from it, and then uses instant cast and/or uninterruptable heals to top their team off.

My mindset should never be when I have their DPS at 20%, that if I kick living flame I’m not winning the game here because they just press verdant embrace and top them.

Not preservation but Devastation damage seems high. Banned two-three months ago and I get back and it feels like they have cooldowns up the entire game now

u get more and more specific i swear. at first i thought just shoveling the sidewalk was enough but now we getting to grow room

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