Nobody Rolls a Character to play a Victim

That you still have to move on? The good guys generally dont win in the real world. Even if they do it is usually very pyrrhic. If anything I’d like to think WoW has some similarities to Darkest Dungeon, the difference is at least, in WoW we might actually still survive it all, but it will be at great cost.

As for the villains, so far they all end up paying for it in the end. Sylvanas might or might not end up being the exception. But even when the villains were killed off it did not mean every would be fine. Hell, Arthas is dead and Lordearon is still a plague infested nightmare.

I am actually expecting more loss for the Night elves from here on out. No evidence of the prospect of us regaining darkshore or ashenvale. Sylvanas will not be confronted by Tyrande or Malfurion… more than likely Anduin. We probably won’t even know what the conclusion of darkshore is?


Move on to more loss? How exciting.

There are no good guys in the real world.

Same. Can’t be disappointed when you expect the worse. BfA has cemented that.


I agree :100: with you!

Sylvanas have to pay for Teldrassil… the Night elves are homeless :confused:

I would write a better story for the Night elves :slight_smile:

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See this is where it gets kinda sticky, you say not its players, but the horde. Well the horde players have much to do with the horde as a whole.

Like generally alot of what iv seen when you try and punish the horde you are also indirectly punishing the players from a narrative standpoint (less zones, less characters, overall worse narrative), and possibly from a gameplay standpoint, i.e now the horde players have to follow around alliance heroes and pretty much just be in the background (Legion), while our own faction does like nothing, floowing characters horde players may not have much interest in.

So a lot of suggestions iv been seeing, not only slapy the horde once by already being the villans, but yet again by whatever the aftermath is.

That is also not ok when people dont realize this, because when you ask for one thing you are GOING to get the other.


I don’t see having to quest with the Night Elves for atonement as punishment. I obviously consider it quality content.

  1. Said the night elf.
  2. Listen man im really not gonna get into it with you again, nor did I even mention questing with the night elves, the having the horde lose more leaders would punish the players for a narrative standpoint, i.e less characters more legion like (alliance focused expansions).
  3. You already think the horde players need to atone for their actions (which they had no choice in), I woudlent consider a mop 2.0 ending quality content. Like it or not the factions and players are intertwined. So if the you the horde do what you wanna do, yes that could be seen very much so as a punishment. Think of getting more chores.

When did he say this?

I thought that’s what you were talking about with:

Like they did in Legion with Malfurion and Tyrande.

That is my point. The Horde is in need of fixing right now. Horde players should be intertwined with fixing it. Even if it is MoP 2.0.

And no one gets choice in this game. Not unless you count Play Along as a successful implementation of choice, which obviously I assume neither of us does.


The horde nor alliance players are also not responsible for cleaning up blizzards mess. There are ways to do it without what you mentioned.

So again I dunno why you are suggesting what you are suggesting, if you dident like it, why would you wish it upon others?

Plus I think it would be much better for the night elves to pull themselves up by their bootstraps rather than having others help.

    When I ask Hazzikostas about the developer’s intent on putting this on Horde players, and if they think it can go too far, he briefly hesitates.

    “It’s a heavy responsibility, and it’s not one that anyone on the team takes lightly,” he says. “Our aim in storytelling is always to evoke emotion. If that goes too far, it can feel exploitative, it can feel like players are caught in a situation they don’t want to be in. We want people to stick around, to play with their friends, and to see the end of the story we’re telling.”

    For players, they’ve spent months dealing with the burden of Darnassus. For characters like Tauren druids, or Blood Elf paladins, this can feel like an overwhelming loss of agency. Many Horde players are also concerned because a similar tale played out two expansions ago in Mists of Pandaria , with Garrosh Hellscream. For these players, the second corrupt Warchief in under five years might suggest that the Horde they have been playing under for a decade or more is broken, and not worth defending.

    Hazzikostas is aware of the parallels to Garrosh’s story, and he says that the Horde is too.

    “There are a couple of references here and there,” he says. “There are more coming. Members of the Horde leadership will remember going down dark paths before.”

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I still think the Night Elves should apologize for killing the Orcs and Humans in Warcraft III without having talked to them first, so I do not think anyone is above atoning for the wrongs they have done.

That is something other Night Elf fans call for. I do not have any problem or think any less of the Night Elves for receiving help from people who offer.


<Sylvanas rings up the contractors.>
“Yes hello, this is your Banshee Queen speaking. I’d like to upgrade all of our buildings with the Deluxe Halloweentown Package, please. Yes, with the Mad Scientist Accessory bundle. Thank you.”


Even I’m not that cynical. There are plenty of people who by most standards are “good”.

Oh im sure the night elves(like the rest of the races) will experience new loses and wins. And before you say anything, yes the night elves have had wins evrn in WoW.

They dont count for reasons

You also lobby for the Gnomes and Gilneans to keep having to wait for forever to get their wins because other Alliance members have filled the Alliance win quota for any given time period.

I do not find this an agreeable mentality.

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But if you look at the story forums, Night Elf players LOVE shedding tears.


Can you see how it would suck to want to play a heroic fantasy but instead be asked to play as a (probably temporarily) reformed criminal due to choices that you had nothing to do with and were powerless to change?

We’re already being forced to play as nameless stooges for a super villain.

Edit: Playing as a hero appeals to most players, in my opinion. Playing as an outright villain is less popular, but has its fans. But virtually no one wants to play as the loser who is now begging forgiveness.


Or you could play as someone in the Horde who never sided with Sylvanas ever in BfA and so never was a stooge nor had to be reformed, but rather you are playing as a hero by helping right wrongs and overthrowing evil.


That’s how I imagine Zul here. She’s just trying to help her people and views Syvies actions as abominable. No fan of Night Elves but burning Teldrassel was too far.

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