Noblegarden Mount

So we get a toy that turns us into a duckling.
So we fight a giant duck to get the mount.

And what is that mount? Reskinned flying carpet.

This is supposed to be a holiday themed mount? C’mon Blizzard! Why not a duck mount? Imagine how adorable the Pook would look riding into battle on a duck. Why not a bunny mount? Again, imagine the adorableness of the Pook riding a bunny mount.

Nope. Just the old boring flying carpet mount in a different colour.

Missed. Opportunity.


Honestly all this ducking around reminds me of a classic movie, Howard the Duck.

Yeah a carpet is anything but special, but atleast now you have something to tread on that looks good in the Den or Foyer of whatever house a player lives in.

A shame the duck transmog doesn’t allow a player to float on the water like a duck. Instead i think they made the ducks to be just like the Dodo Bird.

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You know, it’s that players who always get ducked in the end.


I think i’m having a quack attack.

Is there a ducktor in the house?

Take two eggs and see him in the morning.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Last i heard, Azshara got rid of her old pet and upgraded to a Quacken.

The Duck is the official mount of the NDA, National Ducking Association.

Where is Duckman and side kick Darkwing Duck when you need them.

Lordaeron got conquered by the Quackinator and is now Duckingron. Home of The Duck King, wielder of Quakmourne.

All i heard in class were Duck Tales…

Ill stop, but it is fun…

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The recolor was probably a cheap and easy option, as opposed to an entirely new design. Plus non-tailors can use it, so that’s kind of nice.

Right now, a lot of WoW stuff seems to be recolor options. Like the Gilneas fox mount. I’d rather have them than nothing. Ideally, a duck or a bunny would have been fun. I just think they’re looking to give some kind of added value as cheaply as they can.

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