Noble garden carpet mount confirmed 1% drop rate from daily

No idea what you’re on about, all I know is that for years people have been saying these low droprate RNG holiday items need to stop and you’re up in here with “this is what you wanted” when you know full well it isn’t.


i just want the bunny ears year round
you can buy a flying carpet from the AH for like 2k

They complain about the grind but in reality it makes the end of the grind feel that much better. its less zombism and more dopamine hits

i dont do it so much for mounts but i have put myself through hell for tmogs and the worse my luck the more beloved the item is

And the Nightfallen one is usable by everyone.

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Would it be possible for these holiday events to just be…fun? I was fine with the super low rate on HH and the rocket, but EVERY holiday now?


Where are these posts in support of 1% drop rate holiday mounts?


This requires effort to be put into the events each year.

Blizzard aint got time for all that.



I feel like you’re not understanding, and I don’t really understand what you don’t understand.

This whole thread is about this being what people really want. People are saying they don’t want it. And you are trying to make it seem like they do.


Eh, Not too interested in Flying Carpet mounts. Don’t really have a character that would use them :thinking: I think I have the tailoring one…but I would have to check. But yeah. I hope it drops for those that want it!


Oh. Right. It’s a “you think you do but you don’t “situation.

I’m pretty sure people have posted pretty clearly that it’s a they absolutely don’t want it. It has never been requested like Classic.

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i think the breakdown in reasoning here is that “collectors either get plunderstorm or time limited 1% drops that happen annually. if you dont like one (plunder) you must obviously like other”

nah they dont like either of them lol


I know I don’t like the holiday 1% garbage. Rather just get it off a vendor at a high price than 1% off a boss daily.


Shhh, you’re using common sense. That scares them.

No, the whole joke is they rather have it on the floor, easy to pick up and AFK a boss.

Rather have it on a vendor that I can run around collecting eggs… the whole point of the event ever since it’s inception than kill a boss for a chance at a carpet (seriously a carpet? Not a rabbit?)


i like things with tangible progression, so plunder is a step above another drop % mount
rep/currency rewards, you have control over your progress and there is an end in sight. everytime you kill a low % drop, none of your previous attempts matter.

its pure rng so you arent actually putting in any effort or have any control, youre just rolling a many-sided die and hoping for the best.

im glad its a carpet and not a rabbit because id be tempted to try for the rabbit


Your nonsense is showing again. You know full well this is exactly what people have been asking for over the years:

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Tbf we have a lunar mount about it in the shop

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But it’s not a rabbit that’s themed after an event that has PURPLE RABBITS and other misc colored rabbits.

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