No World Quests in Korthia?


I’m shocked. Truly shocked. I know I don’t like the World Quest model and wanted them to return to the dailies model of Pandaria and before. But I’m really amazed they actually did it.

Thank you Blizzard. Thanks for listening.


Here’s a question: Do the dailies unfold a story over time, like they did in MoP? Or are they just… generic quests that might as well be World Quests instead?

That’s kind of important to me. If it doesn’t unfold a story, there’s no real reason to not just make them WQs. WQs are good for the generic one-off quests with very little to no story importance.

Daily Hubs are a better medium for telling a more focused story that’s supposed to unfold over time. IF they actually do that.

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The latter. There’s some story development with Korthia itself through the Archivist reputation, but the bulk of the story is just the Domination Campaign.

The only difference between daily quests and world quests, you have to go pick up the dailies and turn them back in. Not sure why you think that’s better but whatever.


Bonus: World quests don’t fill up your quest log while you do them.


If anything we could use like 2 more dailies lol

Daily quests>>>>>Wqs. I hate wqs.

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