No world buffs in raids

no world buffs in raids


World buffs ruined 2019 classic end-game. It’s a private server meta that didn’t exist in original vanilla. No world buffs in raids is the more authentic vanilla experience.


I’m not sure the 70% warrior population would like this.


You can play without world buffs if you choose, and find a guild that doesnt require them or doesnt care if you have them.

They are out there. Stop being lazy.


That only works on an individual level. You can find a guild that doesn’t care if you personally get world buffs or not, but good luck getting into a no world buff guild. The majority of people in your raid will use them (and probably get loot priority from council), and the issue of raids being dumbed down by them remains.

You are using the same logical fallacy pro RDFers use. If it’s more convenient and becomes part of the meta, everyone will do it weather it’s a good thing for the game or not. It becomes a requirement in practice.


No one can force you to do it. I want world buffs in raids. If you dont want world buffs in raids then dont get them. Dont force me to play how you want.

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You are a gentleman and a scholar.

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Start your own guild then. From the amount of people asking to stop world buffs in raids it should be easy to form.

Everything up through Naxx yeah probably pretty true. World buffs were extremely common in guilds that cleared Naxx in 2006 though. It’s just that hardly any guilds cleared Naxx in 2006.

I will say that world buffs do help put the World in World of Warcraft. Makes it much more lively.

I’d play with or without world buffs as an option.

Might make things more interesting since they removed the debuff limit and all.

Again though don’t care either way…

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someone didnt play SoM.
It died in a few weeks cuz of no world buffs.
believe it or not; there’s not a whole lot to do in vanilla outside of farm consumables and world buffs for raid

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SoM died after BWL. And this will do the same thing. That’s how vanilla is played by most people, and it’s perfectly healthy. You’re welcome for the education.


My raid team used the first hour of raid to move around the world as one big unit to get world buffs together. It was fun. MC takes less than an hour. So why not just get the buffs as a raid. We would meet up outside Dire Maul North and split in to groups and see who could clear the instance the fastest to run people through for buffs. Then we’d go get the flower in felwood, then port to sw for ony. Then fly to burning steppes as one unit and run to the raid together. It was a lot of fun.

Getting world buffs is never fun. You are boring if you think it’s fun.


Cool opinion bro

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It’s fact.

How is running around the world and standing in a spot for a buff fun?

Sounds lame.


No one is forcing you to do it.

I know I’ve never gotten full buffs or used flasks in classic Vanilla.

It’s just annoying for a lot of people in guilds who have bad leaders.

I mostly PUG and never bring consumes or get buffs and I still get loot.

Luckily world buffs are optional and no one is forcing you to get them.

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They should be removed when entering a raid.