The PTR should not allow players to have consumes or world buffs. Being able to instantly restore them after death at no cost gives false results. The people who play on the PTR always complain how easy it is. Take away the buffs and consumes.
unfortunately, the helmet wearing devs that had their chromosomes stolen by chromie, only focus on world buffs (while also changing classes in a way that compound the problem - i.e. giving high base dmg to less scaling classes and scaling changes to already scaling classes).
This is why in BWL phase a spriest and fury warrior sim within 2% of each other (and why spriest is way ahead of fury in raid atm) but on that same exact sim, remove buffs and the priest now does 300% the fury warrior’s damage.
This is why pvp and open world feels so horrendously bad.
according to 2019 WCL the gap between a ret and BiS fury warrior in raid was about 70%. Currently the gap from Arms to Ret is about 100% and that is IN raid. Outside of raid all of this gets way worse. Its why hybrids dominate PVP so hard. The game as a whole is far less balanced than 2019 classic, and the gaps are much greater.
World buffs do not equally affect all classes. What does 15% attack speed and 300 stam do for a caster’s dps? They needed to normalize world buffs if they wantd to buff around them, or remove them. SoD has been a disaster because theyre trying to balance with such uneven world buffs in the equation.
Didn’t Blizzard double down on world buffs with the new consumable items? Any guild can now bring a couple sets of them per raid and expect to have world buffs
No world buffs for phrase 7
Oh yes. remove world buffs and make it 10x easier for themselves to balance classes
Thanks - just spit out my coffee reading that line.
yup, remove or normalize (i.e. all are X% dmg based, or AP/SpelPwr combos)