Already plenty of story complaints, and even if you take those story complaints for particular reasons aside, the writing isn’t that great to begin with. Only interesting parts are the Wrathion drama and perhaps Bronze Dragonflight I’d say but everything else is meh. Typical bad guy vs good guy cartoon villain writing. Primalists had potential but the further you go the more you see they’re typical bad guys doing terrible things.
Dragon Riding is definitely not for everyone. For those who dislike it, it makes the game a terrible slog to play through. Also, the customization of our dragons sucks. Endless options my butt, there’s barely even 30 it feels like. But instead of enabling both normal flying and Dragon Riding, Blizzard per fashion will simply ignore all those players and force them on their “unique” (aka every drake looks the f’ing same because as said there’s no actual customization) drakes until they just can’t take it anymore and write of DF entirely.
Level 70 content… man. I must be missing something because it just feels scarce. WQ’s, Campaign Quests, and some… idk what they are, group WQ’s like the Maw Tormentors or something. So basically mythic plus fest and weekly raid logout expansion. Granted I’m personally thankful there isn’t a plethora of systems however you’d think they’d at least make the quests more interesting somehow. But nope, most just turn your brain off as usual. So, this is what we’re doing for the next couple months? I just don’t see it lasting long before people tune out.
Overall like the aesthetic of the expansion though, best capital probably ever.
That was Legion writing too, and it works for WoW’s cheesy lore and story. There’s plenty of interesting side-quests to do as well.
The majority of people don’t have motion sickness.
Do your mythics, do your PVP if you want, there’s events around the isle, there’s crafting, there’s reps. It’s fine to have downtime. It’s okay to say 'I’m done for the day," and be able to log off or level an alt. Maybe go talk to some people in the game - I won’t say RP since MG Horde is dead, but maybe you could find some cross-faction RP or something.
This is probably the worst expansion ever I think this may be the one that turns this old game into a free to play era because it isn’t getting my 15 bucks a month lol
I don’t agree with certain story elements I won’t name but they’re minor enough that I can mostly ignore them. Overall I enjoy the story FAR above the Sucklands and their “covenants”. Dragonriding is “kinda” cool but I will remain adamant that DR should be 1 for 1 with Soar. The new dungeons feel a tad TOO punishing and not looking forward to mythic variants (some of those dots are HORRIBLE!). I also really dislike some of the races as they feel too tightly tuned, one minor flub because something didn’t load quick enough or those “choose your own route” races can really turn an otherwise fun run into “Nope I’m done!”.
Has Blizzard released any recent numbers on what percentage of the playerbase actively participates in raiding or mythic+? Because last I heard, it was below 50%, so if this game is going to solely focus on those 2 game modes then theres going to be a problem.
The only valid complaint about dragonriding I’ve seen is motion sickness, which obviously they dropped the ball on. Everything else is a matter of people being terrible at it. You can get all the glyphs, which takes an hour or so and none of the glyphs are hard to get only annoying at most, upgrade the skill tree fully, then never land because you never run out of vigor. Even then all you do is flap upwards and aim upwards at the same time and gain speed and height.
For everyone else who is SO ADAMANT about not using it despite it being simply better in terms of A to B travel, normal flying is gonna be out around the same time as usual like it has been since WoD.
Again that’s how WoW has always been. Even playing WotLK back in the day all I did was spam dungeons for loot to upgrade then do the raids.
You said you unsubbed in like 10 other threads. Go away. Go touch grass.
This expac feels like a return to original WoW vibes, but with modern environment and worldbuilding. There’s a ton of content in the open world and even more starts to come out once you gain some rep with the different factions. Dragonriding feels great unless you have a disability or motion sickness issues, it’s a massive improvement on regular flying, and we haven’t even had Raid or M+ open up yet.
I haven’t seen you give a single valid criticism of the expac besides saying things are terrible or bad or any other negative adjective with no further explanation. Cya Karen.
Maybe its ok to complete content. Maybe its ok to log on a handful of times a week and finish some tasks you want to do and sign off. Maybe its ok that there’s not some endless chore Blizzard is forcing you to do with some boring carrot.
It’ll feel nice to actually accomplish goals instead of being on some endless treadmill in the name of ‘having something to do’. I think the long term enjoyment of the game will follow when people aren’t inundated with terrible memories of infinite grinds.