No Way Back to Dalaran if War Within Quest Exited Before Teleport

During the War Within intro questline, if a player exits Dalaran before the city teleports, there appears to be no way back to continue it. The teleporter in Silithus to the Heart Chamber no longer works, so I can’t return to the special teleporter to that Dalaran, which is obviously an instanced version not accessible any other way. The questline “A Dying World” that is supposed to activate the Heart Chamber teleporter doesn’t appear to be available in Boralus. I am out of ideas. Is there any other way back to that version of Khadgar?

Does abandoning the quest do anything? Maybe use your dalaran hearthstone in toys menu.

Abandoning the quest might have made it worse. Now the campaign just has a note that says “Talk to Khadgar in Dalaran to set off for Khaz Algar.”

The Dalaran hearthstone says “You can’t do that right now.” Dalaran portal in Stormwind goes to a different version of the city.

I’m afraid they simply didn’t think of this.

Teleport to azsuna in legion and fly to Dalaran manually

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If that doesnt work I can try and share the quest with you on an alliance alt

You’re a genius. I really didn’t think that would work… I expected to end up in the same Dalaran that the Stormwind portal sent me to, but it didn’t. Thanks!

np man happy questing!

And yeah the Stormwind portal for dalaran takes you to northrend dalaran.