No Valid Targets Bug

As that title says above, my Shaman is stuck with the “No Valid Targets.” bug flashing on his screen constantly. I’ve gone and read some old forum posts and such of people saying to /reload, relog, restart, turn off all addons, turn off self casting, press your self casting key a couple times. I’ve literally done it all but I can not get rid of “No Valid Targets.” flashing on my screen.

It’s currently only an issue with my Shaman and no other characters. If anyone knows of any other way to stop this from happening, I’d be forever grateful.


Don’t know if you found a fix for this, but I’ll leave this here in case it helps anyone else out.

I had this same issue today and after messing with everything I can think of I found the buff from the Crazed Trogg on Mechagon that you get when you’re the player that ticked him off. Clearing that buff from my toon stopped the error.


Do you happen to have the Irradiated Undercoat on, I was getting invalid target on everything I tried to attack and that was the reason for it. It may not be the same issue but since that particular item pulls isotopes form the mobs at the rec rig I realized that’s why I keep getting invalid targets. Could be something similar

I was the one that ticked off the Crazed Trogg and cleared the buff from my bar and nothing happened.

Does anyone have any other ways to fix this? It’s quite annoying.

I tried a bunch of different things from other threads and the permanent fix that worked for me was clicking my on-use trinket without a target.

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For anyone who stumbles on to this thread over time as I did, I managed to fix it by going to a Crazed Trogg that hadn’t been triggered yet. He was friendly, triggered to attack me, went back to friendly, and triggered to attack me again and then it stopped the No Valid Targets error. I had brought the appropriate color (blue) to an already hostile Crazed Trogg, which started the error, and when I fixed it, I turned him hostile->friendly->hostile without a paint on me at all, despite him saying ‘Orange’.

Obviously I don’t know how this is actually coded, but it seems like the event to turn him from friendly to hostile is breaking somewhere and it starts trying to trigger every second from your character permanently until you find a way to stop it, but since a friendly Crazed Trogg is the only valid target for that event it’s going to spam you with that error message until you fix it.

It’s mostly a minor annoyance, but it can cause some actual issues as well. I was trying to put my punch cards in and I had to hit apply and accept during the one second window between No Valid Target errors, because every time the error popped it would cancel my attempt.


this did it for me thanks

I had a similar error message, “Invalid Target”, no matter what spec my shaman was in, no matter what her target was. Took off the Irradiated Undercoat, and it stopped.

I get this horribly annoying bug as well on my shaman. Will fly back and try the trogg fix, but it caries over into other zones

Trogg wasn’t even up when I got my bug. I threw green paint at a mounted player and that seemed to start my bug. I was near the spawn point though.

This started happening to me yesterday. I’ll try the trogg fix next time in in Mech.

got the same bug when I was on the flight. not sure it is related to trogg
edited: a quick death will solve the problem


I’ve had this problem when a DC occurs in combat. If you reconnect you will literally be unable to do anything until you close the entire game client and restart it.

Great, so I’ve got to camp this rare until it fixes itself?

Edit: So I camped Crazy Trogg, until he spawned, he didn’t even call out the color, just spawned and attacked me, and my “No Valid Target” spam stopped. So yes, any of you that Stumble upon this issue, just wait for a respawn, and you “should” just enrage him.

Got stuck with this bug and nothing suggested in above posts worked. Finally tried jumping off a cliff and death finally cleared it.


This right here.

I started seeing the error after killing the trogg, searched, found the buff, removed it, and was still getting the error.

Logged out, logged in, exited, re-logged, shut off all addons… no help.

I have no doubt that encountering the trogg again would have fixed the error, but in case you don’t want to wait…

…just die. Problem solved.

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Thanks, that worked for me.

Tried the trogg trick and it did nothing!

If you’re talking about “Battle Ring”, clicking that off did it for me.

This just worked.

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