No update look at these post people in good guilds cant even finish AQ 40 and they said nothing of fixes or nerfs this pass tuesday THATS OUTRAGEOUS come on put in a little effort to make AQ 40 clearable on normals let alone HM doing 3k damage to you every 15 seconds
dude its pretty easy and its out for like 3 days just chill farm and do it in a couple weeks why do you want to clear it day one?
Why is it the people who weren’t able to clear it the first ones to say it’s easy? Lol
devs leaving SOD to die?
They stealth buffed the HP of little AQ bosses lol
why nerfs? you have something to work towards.
Guildie said they nerfed the HP of fankriss by 1m and the worms by 50% according to logs they looked at.